The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> parting shot...maybe

parting shot...maybe
Posted by Farid (Moderator) - Wednesday, December 24 2003, 11:59:31 (EST)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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One last thing...maybe. A guy can be unfit for most sorts of jobs and things on earth but if he "finds the true faith" and says he has and convinces those who hand out diplomas in this sort of stuff...who desperately need to attract more salespeople...this otherwise inept, maladjusted, sad sack of a person will be given direct access to and the inner ear of the god who made our sun...then Jupiter and Mars and tossed the earth off just for fun. This priest will be able to speak for Him and to Him...forgive people of whatever heinous crimes they've committed and plan on committing again...and why not?...this person can make a marriage "legal"...can sing you to your death...can advise women on things he knows nothing of and do it with the assurance that he can damn you to everlasting perdition and unbelievable suffering done to you DELIBERATELY because you turned down LOVE???..and this person says he's humble and meek..."just like Christ was".

Is this one helluva Racket or what!


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