The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ...sigh

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, January 12 2004, 18:50:08 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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Here I thought those brave speaking warriors at aina could finally handle an idea other than what their mammies taught them. Been banned again...sigh. It`s funny though, really. Here you have a bunch of guys all sitting comfortably in the West, issuing the most dire threats and warnings to every Arab in the world...and Turk and Q---d...but not a one of them can handle open discussion without some moderator-mammy to protect them.`s a response from one of their bravest...


In Response To: unionity (farid)

So your advise is to submit to being arabs and be called arab Christians? And I guess your advise for the Jews is the same, so they can be called arab Jews.

:::This is the usual bullshit. Arabs are from Arabia and yes there are Jews in Arabia and Christians too. But for those of us born in Iraq or Syria or Mongolia, who happen to be Muslim, or Christian...there`s no need to add "Arab" to the name. Jews born in Arabia are indeed Arab Jews...just as Assyrians born in America are Assyrian Americans. Where`s the problem?

I have a better solution for you to consider.

How about your arab zero contributors to go back to their arab world (Saudia Arabia and the gulf states, the kurds back to afghanistan where they belong, and the Assyrians and any arabised by force who wishes to return to the Assyrian roots can remain in ASSYRIA and yes then Israel, Assyria and Arabia can discuss cooperate together and also cooperate with the civilized world without using terrorism which seems to be the only contribution of the zero contributors.

***First of all it isn`t true that any Assyrians were forced to Arabize...that`s a mish mah of a sentence right there. Many Assyrians chose to become Muslim as many chose to become Christian. As far as zero contributions...I can`t see what Christians have contributed in the MidEast in the 1300 years since the Muslim conquest.

***It never dawns on these people the ridiculous spectacle they make begging and whining and yelling at their monitors while all the time proclaiming their greatness. Arab and Muslim achievements are noted everywhere by all scholars. These twits of ours were raised by village idiot priests practising ritual cannibalism and even though they`ve never fooled anyone into believing this rot...still the SOUND of it is so intoxicating it suffices for we all know they believe that they are the only ones on earth to TALK so much about being Assyrians.


***he scares himslef and thinks the rest of us quake with fear.


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