The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> slap in the face

slap in the face
Posted by el iraqui (Guest) - Thursday, January 22 2004, 20:47:18 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...every Black person and person of color knows damn well what would happen to them if they did this...this isn't a democracy...

Janklow Draws 100-Day Jail Sentence
(AP) - Bill Janklow, who dominated South Dakota politics for three decades as governor and then congressman, was sentenced to 100 days in jail Thursday for an auto accident that killed a motorcyclist and ended Janklow's career in disgrace. After 30 days behind bars, Janklow will be allowed to leave jail during the day for up to 10 hours to perform community service. After he completes his jail term, he will be on probation for three years, during which he will not be allowed to drive.

...there are Black teens serving ten years in State prisons for stealing tennis shoes.


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