up close and fuzzy |
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- Friday, January 9 2004, 10:47:51 (EST) from - customer-148-233-93-188.uninet.net.mx Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...there创s nothing to be gained or understood for the long haul by examining US policy up close...picking through the minor details...you need to step back and ask yourself just how much of your own lifestyle you创d be willing to forego for "justice for all". What makes the thing bearable to contermplate at all is that this squeezing and robbing and murdering of innocent people round the world isn创t done to beneiftt me or you, or for the sake of driving our children to soccer practise...it创s done to increase profits for a handful of totally insane people who创ve lost all contact with Life and reality and human decency and proportionality. I like the "reflecting pool" motif for the WTC hole in the ground...like Americans have anything to reflect with. They创ll gather there and stare blankly into their shallow waters and seek closure and pray to the madman who inspires them. There创s hardly a corner left in anyone创s head that belongs to them...that hasn创t been leased for life by Warner Brothers or AOL or your neighborhood mall. People haven创t anything to think with...so better a pool of water to reflect them...and you know it won创t be deep waters they创ll be staring at. Britney Spears is getting a divorce, I didn创t know she was married but then neither did she apparently...you can创t tell her wedding photo from her divorce photo...I don创t think even she knows the difference...or ever did. She should sing at the dedication of the reflecting pool. --------------------- |
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