The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> what the fuck???

what the fuck???
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, April 16 2004, 16:48:10 (EDT)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Just what are all of you keeping yourselves locked up for anway? Are you saving your best for your husbands and wives?

We`re standing by witnessing people who don`t have the shy principles you all do, murdering children and killing innocent people..and you all have these scruples about your PRIVACY!

Do you think the fire next time is gonna spare you...or your chuildren`s children..or the trees and air?

How much more desperate do things have to get before you all start taking real care of yourselves?

I must admit I`m only a little shocked that Majidi married an idiot who has to give her permission to talk to someone like you..but needs no permission from her to go into whatever gets him into rehab...stop trashing yourselves and blaming other people...there was always something unstable in Majidi...something dangerous that she vented only under great duress...trouble is she had to keep putting her head in a vise and getting Marx or Che or Islam to turn the handle till she screamed poetry..that`s self-destructive and though you might leave behind a pretty blaze of light as you crash and helps no one, least of all you.

This poor planet needs some tender loving care...


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