The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> whatever

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, January 28 2004, 9:35:23 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer
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Christianity didn't invent goodness, or kindness, or loving kindness or decency. I'm sure you'll all agree these things were well established in BetNahrain among those glorious cultures...those refined people of that advanced civilization as seldom existed anywhere at any time. Assyrian and Babylonian parents knew how to love their children and guide them to a moral life...they loved their parents, celebrated holidays, birthdays...had parties, went shopping...were about as decent, if not more so, than people have been anywhere at any time. And in all that time it's also good to remember how barbaric and unwashed the Hebrews were...the people Christ would come from.

The only thing Christianity brought with it, as an organized religion, was the notion that if you accepted the fact that Christ had been killed for YOU...and you participated in the eating of his body and drinking of his blood...a cannibal's delight called a "Yuckarist", I could go live forever with Yahwe on a cloud...and that's all it brought. Call it "salvation" if you like...but I'd say the people doing such a horrible thing and accepting the spoils that come their way from murder...NEED saving...and need it badly.

Muslim parents...Buddhist parents...Shinto parents...atheistic parents, Bahai parents, Zoroastrian parents, Confucian parents, Hindu parents...all these people and many, many more have been loving and kind to their families and suported their nations and people for ages...and many of them have adamantly refused to buy into this "bargain" Christianity offers, this circus trick for cheating Death.

So let's remember that and not act as if Christianity brought decent and civilized behavior to the people of BetNahrain...who had all of these things long before. It just gave them a place in the sky to go to hide their heads in shame forever...for having deserted the god who'd inspred them to real greatness and strength.

You can see why, as an Assyrian...I'd refuse to be a Christian.


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