The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> you have to be REALLY stupid...

you have to be REALLY stupid...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, January 20 2004, 18:06:19 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title: be an intelligent Assyrian....

'Mr. Ben Malko, a/k/a "Ben" the Irreprochable'

Posted By: Ivan Kakovitch <> (
Date: Tuesday, 20 January 2004, at 1:54 p.m.

Your postings:

"You might say Ivan is a disgruntled chief because not enough indians wanted to follow him. Now he has to get even with them by insulting them and their intelligence.


: "You are our Chief: I thought you are the chief
: of chiefs who will save us. But I guess
: every thing about you is a big lie. If you
: are the planner of our constitution I guess
: we need to be dancing the rain dance ( a
: native American dance!)."



Mr. Ben Malko:

This is the end result of 30 years of friendship and cooperation.

I kept my pen in drawer, and my PC keyboard stagnant regarding your stand and your comments until this day.

No, I am not a person to insult anyone's beliefs.

But, you Mr. Ben Malko might answer me the simple question:

Some 20 years ago, when I asked you why weren't you viably working for I.C.A.N., since you seemed to be its fervent follower, you reply was:

"...I have taken an oath with blood as a member of BNDP, and I shall remain its member until death..."

I don't believe that your blood has been transformed into water or has liquefied itself out of your body.

Do you think this is the result of the travails of ADM? Did this organization turn you into a turncoat and disloyal friend? I need not answer.

I believe your 'oath with blood' was as always, and as on all the levels, and as with every political party or administrative regulative organization, just one of those flip-flop approaches that, unfortunately for all of us, is still alive and kicking.

Ivan Kakovitch

P.S. A very good night to Mrs. Malko, Linda Lawando.


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