AINA INC.: "The Earth Is ROUND"!!! |
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- Thursday, June 17 2004, 17:34:14 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...who`d a thought it!!! ...they`d report that startling fact and then go ahead and tout the rest of their "news" like it was a minor oversight on their parts. Iraq is Muslim! In a democracy, majority will rule....Muslims are in the majority...therefore Muslims get to decide what the law of the land is. "When did that happen"? They thought they were on their way to a Christian Police State with democracy as a front. They love their fronts. Their fall-back strategy now is to alert everyone in the world that they are being discriminated against and yes..even killed! The same world that stood by while children were starved to death. From where do they get the assurance that the world will do anything? They have none. They`re merely willing to get Iraq killed if they can`t get their they`ll turn out a daughter or a sister if she becomes Muslims..or marries one, or eats Muslim ice cream. In their hatred of Saddam, Baathism, Iraq, Islam, Muhammad and anyone who succeeds in Iraq and won`t go crying to the world..they`d prefer to see it destroyed for those who could enjoy it..if they can`t get their way. This is the quality of "Assyrian" we`re left with...only the more they get their word about..the more of our work they do for us... --------------------- |
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