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=> A.C.L.U. bashing and logic for Nobody/Dubya

A.C.L.U. bashing and logic for Nobody/Dubya
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Tuesday, September 28 2004, 9:06:22 (CEST)
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...I am reminded of the scene in "Life is Beautiful" where a German, or possibly Italian, woman is trying to explain to those sitting around her at a dinner party that the retarded children are a huge drain on the state and school resources, etc. She goes on and on in this ridiculous rant, and finally one woman responds with "That's preposterous", or "What an outrage!", or something like that. She responds that way because she is disgusted by the Nazi lady, but the Nazi woman is so full of herself that she takes it as a compliment, like "What an outrage that those retarts are wasting our money!"

When I hear someone bash the ACLU, I stop and think why there would ever, ever be a need or even a want to do such a thing. There would never be a need. So, why the want? The ACLU protects boaters like Nobody who are afraid to use their name, so that if they DO use their name, they aren't prosecuted or persecuted for what they say. You are free, in this country, to say what you please within reasonable limits (those being that as long as you don't infringe upon that very right that others also cherish, you are protected), even if your mind is still in Turkey, Syria, or Iran/Iraq/Nowhere. Why would anyone ever bash an organization that protects your very RIGHT to bash! Talk about illogical stupidity (is stupidity ever logical?)...

And finally, the ACLU doesn't only represent "liberals". They even represented the most far-right group this country has ever created: The Ku Klux Klan, when they wanted to stage a Neo-Nazi march in heavily Jewish Skokie, IL. So, Nobody/Dubya, take your foot out of your mouth/ass and start making sense when you speak...because you are making a complete fool out of yourself. In the real world you would be laughed out of the room in a second...


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