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=> A Colorful Savage

A Colorful Savage
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 27 2004, 21:42:19 (CEST)
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Written by Fred Aprim on 27 Jun 2004 21:10:22:

As an answer to: When and how Kurds began to settle in northern Iraq. written by Ben on 27 Jun 2004 20:33:04:

Thank you Ben for these important quotes.
Kirkuk was never a "Kurdish" town.

...San Jose, California, where you live, on stolen lands, was never an "American" certainly was never an "Assyrian" town. The day you give your house back to its rightful owners..well.

Kurdish claims are just false about the historic origin of Kirkuk. Kirkuk was historically, until more recently, was dominated by Turkomen and Assyrians (including Chaldeans and Suryanis). you suppose American history or British history is filled with the absolute Truth? Does that matter anywhere? Everyone who`s taken over land makes out that they did it legally or whatever it takes to put a better spin to it. It may never have been a Kurdish what? It can certainly BECOME a Kurdish town. what? You name a town that`s remained "original"...go on.

Of course, that does not mean that some kurds did not live there, just as some Arabs lived there as well.

..yeah but NO "Americans" lived in San Jose when it belonged to its indigenous get the fuck OFF their uslurper!



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