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=> A Friendly Suggestion to Moderators...

A Friendly Suggestion to Moderators...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 4:56:25 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...why don`t you boys...Peter Jassim, Firas Jatou, George Stiffo and Hanna Hajjar make a promise among yourselves that you will delete and then ban repeat offenders who go for people`s families...dead or alive...either as a way of making a point or avoiding the issue. I remeind you of Fred Aprim`s post a couple of years ago that he was going to "expose" my children..and all because he could think of nothing to say that was to the point.

Now "Gabriel" and any one of fifty Ashurs you have could be anybody...but you and your family members are known...and in fact it would be just as easy to make things up about you and them. What`s the point? Is ths a legitimate way for heroes to deal?

You´ve all allowed my family to be smeared and taken your time about cleaning the mud`ve also never publicly admonished anyone for these cheap shots. It`s beneath everyone and I think you should take vigorous steps to stop it..

For my own sake I could give a`ve all taken your best shots at me and riddled yourselves full of holes you dasn`t peak through. But, if we want a healthy and clean atmosphere to start testing our ideas as if we weren`t terrified they can`t hold up without massive dirty tricks and other words let`s start acting just a little of what we know our ancestors must have been like..and I don`t mean the Christian ones.

I`m more concerned for those sedate and civilized people who`re too turned off to get involved...and I hope I`m mistaken when I say I`m not sure that isn`t your motive...

But let`s assume it isn`t and you`re as appaled by these cheap shots as the rest of us are...I think some clarification of your policy in this regard might help clear the air and put some honor in the discussions..even if you people are still too afraid to go head to head...that`s okay, we can`t expect miracles..but we can ask for decent, fair play...remember , I`m not refering to myself..if that`s the way you boys want to play then get ready...I`ll match you and then some..

But is it really releavent to the discussion of Kurdish identity to know that Aprim`s mother was a two bit whore who went broke? Does it help us understand Muslim history if we let spill that Peter is so pissed because he wanted to marry his sister himself and make an honest woman of her?

See what I mean? Let`s take a solemn vow that we won`t do this kind of stuff and take strong steps against those who I said, I don`t care...I`ve been subjected to this stuff and it bothers me not at all...but I know I can bother the rest of I do whenever I write about anything.

Would 72 hours give you moderators enough time to decide and take some sort of action? George Stiffo was recently married and I`d hate to tell what I know about his wife..come on guys...let`s stop behaving like savages.


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