All Quiet On The Assrin Front...UNTIL... |
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- Monday, June 14 2004, 19:01:35 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: | "Assyrian" speaks out about "Assyrian" issues which address our "Assyrian" heritage in a way important to the survival of all "Assyrians"...but hear him tell it, or try to... Written by asdf on 14 Jun 2004 17:48:43: As an answer to: Re: Bishop Hawa, from Graves Seller to Mediator! written by JTW on 20 Apr 2004 10:13:41: What happen there again are u all unemploye and sit in front of the computer writing again your church your bishops ?? If one of you can do better as the bishop s then do it and if not dont write the rubbish here Nobody is perfect ...nobody can write either... --------------------- |
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