The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> All These Reverend and Priest Bastards...

All These Reverend and Priest Bastards...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 17 2004, 2:24:26 (CEST)
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...and experts and nationalists achieved was to set up the remaining Christians of Iraq. Anyone even slightly concerned for their welfare and their ability to remain in a MUSLIM Iraq would have urged President Bush NOT to go to war..NOT to starve children to death..they would have written long impassioned letters to world leaders begging BEFORE hand to stop a war that could only do great damage to the few remaining Christians left in Iraq who didn`t get the chance to run out like ALL these fuckers did who`ve been calling for a war to liberate Iraq.

But they didn`t. Instead they kissed ass ferevntly...urged on the war, downplayed and then ignored all the Christians killed...and all because they hoped America would be grateful enough to their "puniest ally" that they`d give them something..toss them a bone over the dead bodies of the Christians murderd...and never to be discussed in "Assyria".

They would have said that to be alive and Muslim is better than to be dead and Christian..tha`t they`d rather have their darling children alive and praying to one sort of only god..instead of dead and gone to another sort of only god..but no. The boys wanted this war because they are afraid the ones back there will "Arabize"...while they and their children are madly Americanizing and are so pleased they Christianized long ago. It`s just a fucking game to them. Those Christians who were "forced" to flee before..are being forced to do so even greater numbers thanks to this war the boys prayed for.

What they wanted all along was lots of dead Christians. They KNEW damn well nothing would be handed to them..they knew the Extremists would gain the upper hand...they KNEW in a democratic Iraq there`d be more, not less, strict Islam. They knew it from the start...but their only "strategy" has been to get as many Christians killed as possible..and then weep for them and tell the world about the world gives a shit.

They`re getting just what they worked for..the only sure thing that could come out of all this murder...and now they play the surprised and shocked virgins..."gee, is THAT what that thing is for"?

In the months to come, like any ghouls, they`re going to be glued to the news and their keyboards to bring the latest "tragic" news of raped or murdered or kidnapped Christians..that and exit figures for this new Diaspora they forced upon they have every time. The more retaliation the merrier as far as they`re concerned.

How would they feel if Iraq held out an olive branch..said they could all remain in a democractic Iraq if they accepted the law of the land..identified themselveas as Iraqi-Christians and dropped the name game that has them calling themselves Assyrians and the ONLY ones? Think they`d stay? Hell yes..but the ones outside of Iraq would kill they just had others do it for them.


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