The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Aprim...

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 17 2004, 22:59:48 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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He`ll be out of circulation for awhile. He`s doing research, well...his kind....on Democracy. He`s looking for proooves that in a real Democracy, minorities either get what they want, or else they get Independence. His method is well known by now...with scissor in hand and several older high school texts he gets at Goodwill, Aprim reads the glossaries looking for useful facts. These he snips out and rearranges...usually by tossing them on the floor in a random manner. Then he copies them down according to which is closer to his big toe...on his right foot. The snippets closest to his toe become his "main points"...those a little farther are his "prooves" and the ones that fell the farthest from his foot become his "summation". He adds the titles of the books he cut up for a bibliography and there you have it...history.


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