Aprim In A Tight Skirt |
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- Friday, June 18 2004, 4:16:02 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
am NOT hinting anything. It is obvious that the rise of Islamists and terrorism has caused all these deaths. I just want to accumulate a list. Relax. Fred ...now wait a minute. I thought thousands were killed by Saddam? He wasn`t an Islamist...if anything he kept a lid on them all..like the Shah tried to do. And it`s so cute that like the Nazis before them, the Americans and Herr Fred call people who fight back against State Terror..."terrorists". But then that`s how King George felt about Washington, Jefferson and Franklin. ...Islamists are just Christian Fundamentalists with teeth. We have them here too..waiting in the wings. Ah...those lists. --------------------- |
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