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=> Aprim in High Heels

Aprim in High Heels
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 18 2004, 16:31:56 (CEST)
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Re: Please! You Misunderstood my Intentions

Posted By: Fred Aprim (
Date: Thursday, 17 June 2004, at 11:25 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Please Help Adding to this List (Provide References if Possible) (Tiglath)

David Chibo,
You told me so!
Sorry, you are talking about one thing and I am thinking about another.
We are not going to go there again; hear that? Aprim lives and breathes demcoracy..that`s why he can say "we are not going to go there again". Because he hasn`t a thing to say in defense of his idiotic notion that Muslim extremists would all calm down and go to the park for a picnic if only America would attack their countries and kill their children and rape their wives..that`s Aprim`s formula for decreasing the risk of Islamic Extremists killing Christians, "for no reason".

however, I have to say though that these deaths are because of Islamists and terrorists.

...That`s the same way the Iraqis feel about all the people America killed..that they were killed because of Christianists bringing State Terror of a massive sacle against children and neighborhoods.

...You all claim the violence in Iraq is being brought on by "outsiders" Iraqis themselves are incapable of simple human emotions such as rage and a desire to maintain their own integrity. Just when did American soldiers become native to Iraq?

If this information is going to be used in any manner, it is then to prove that we cannot live under Islamic law or a law that does not guarantee complete safety of our people.

...what Law..what anything gurantees anyone complete anything? Do people have guarantees of that sort anywhere in the world or at any time in history that you`re seriously expecting Christians to have those gurantees...after Christians conducted this illegal war against a Muslim country for 14 years? Are you insane? Do Afro-Americans...Christians at that, have those sorts of guarantees in Los New York? Do Chinese Americans have promises from the American government that none of them will ever be jailed unjustly? Do Native Americans, or Muslim Americans have the guarantees you`re demanding?

Tiglath wanted to use this information to sue the criminals in court and get reparations with which to rebuild Iraq...for everyone. You want to use it to proooves something..something that isn`t going to help anyone what if you proooves it? Then what? You think that will get you a triangle? If you care so litttle for reparations and making sure criminals pay for their crimes so maybe they`ll think twice next time..then why do you imagione the world will take action for you..when you won`t lift a finger to help your own people?

Wake up.

...that "wake up" is what they always resort to when they`ve just gone back to sleep.



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