Aryan Brotherhood... |
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- Sunday, June 20 2004, 19:26:36 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...THAT`S what the boys are like! Why didn`t I see it before? They have the same chip-on-the-shoulder attitude that the world owes them..that nefarious forces are out to get them..that had it not been for_________________you fill i the blank, they could have been rich and powerful and pretty and acne free and great and popular and you name it. The villains of choice vary...from Jews to Martians, to Muslims to Arabs to Catholics to Irish to Italians...but what they all have in common is that they are HATED by the boys in the Brotherhood because they are blamed for the pathetic showing the boys themselves have made in the world. If you read the comments about Islam and Arabs coming from the mouths of the boys...and substitute "dirty Jew" for "dirty Muslim" (which in their black litle hearts they still feel)..for ignorant, filthy, depraved, sneaky, murderous, cowardly Muslims..and imagine a time a few decades ago when the hated people-of-choice were Jews, filthy, degraded, sneaky, murderous, evil, degenerate Jews...and recall what the noble Christians did to them soon`ll see that we`re dealing with the same Fascist racists filled with visions of blood and race purity and how they`re just plain better than other people..people they blame for holding them down otherwise they would have SOARED above the clouds! Try to imagine where the boys would be right now if they said these things, outloud, about Jews..imagine all those "news" programs that lambasted all of Muslims, picking the worst examples and forcing the point out over the airwaves that these were TYPICAL of all Muslims and the religion...when was the last time stereotyping took such a fanatical hold of people...wasn`t it before the last Holocaust? Yet these things are okay to say and spread about Islam. What`s really changed except a lot of Jews got murdered and now the Christian has set his sights on Muslims next? Nothing has changed. One day there may be a "Little Arabia" where all Muslims will be they made a ghetto out of a corner of Israel..and the boys want a Christian ghetto in a corner of Iraq. Islam had better wake up before they get railroaded right to the gates of another Christian Auschwitz. And the boys were counting on being "demoratically" given power and a corner of a Muslim country? Try the cemetary...corner lot. That`s all the "Assyria" your foolishness has ever gotten for any Christians...while you ran out. --------------------- |
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