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=> Assyrian Reservations

Assyrian Reservations
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 3:48:48 (CEST)
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...that`s the closet thing I can think of to a "self-administered" region within a nation. That`s where the American government stuck Native Americans it couldn`t kill off...sort of like Israel is now...a place for all the Jews that got away.

Trouble is no one is going to give Manhattan or Florida or Palm Springs to any Natives for them to administer. They get to have Butthole Wyoming and Deadend Utah..places no one wants that having have nothing at all to recommend them...and they`re welcome to administer the shit out of them.

Who is it exactly that`s going to give triangles to the boys? America? They can`t do a fucking thing in Iraq but kill people...they`tre going to impose their will on behalf of Hanna? Keep praying. Even if they wanted to they`d have to get the okay of the puppet government they installed..IF the Grand Sistani will allow it..not to mention the other Cleric who knows how to shoot people trying to shoot him.

If it ever came up to a vote..democracy..remember?...I seriously doubt the Iraqis would agree to hand over ANYTHING to Christians who`ve already told the world they`re ready to kiss America`s ass anytime it feels like it. These are worse than missionaries and you know how welcome THEY were.

What are the boys talking about?


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