Ben... |
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- Monday, June 21 2004, 17:57:54 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..he exhibits an interesting and a marked characteristic the boys all have in common. If you attempt to understand our history from a more dispassiontae, less religiously hysterical perspective...sort of what a neutral historian would do and even, Yahwe forbid, take a philosophical squint at it...also placing the entire history in its widest scope and in the context of all other People on earth, keeping in mind how we`re all never more similar than when we all insist WE are special and`re going to be called a traitor, a sell-out, a fool, insane, in need of having your head examined...and this by THESE boys who between them have maybe a junior college degree in the Humanities...from Saddam University. My father was a much decorated captain and doctor in the Iraqi Army. He saw action in the Palestine War of ´48 and against the Kurds in the mountains of Iraq. He recieved every kind of medal the army had to give out and threw them all away for he too had experenced prejudice in Iraq...but he was also among the refugees from Iran running for their lives who were taken in and given a new start in life by the Muslim ARAB king of Iraq the Brits installed. His father and many other Assyrians warned the hot headed boys of their day NOT to make sounds about how Iraq belonged to them, believing the British lies of their day etc. that led to Simele. Yet he`s been called a traitor to "Assyria" for serving in the Iraqi Army because of Simele...although he was in high school at the time...and yet he fought against the Kurds..which you`d think would make him pleasing in other Christian eyes. My point is, you can`t win with these people..not unless you think exactly as they do..which cuts down the field of "Assyrian" to such a small insignificant number that..well? That`s how come they never mention all the "Assyrians" who lived and worked and enjoyed life in Iraq and NEVER wanted to leave. Because to the boys all of them were traitors! If you got a job, they said "WHAT ABOUT SIMELE"!!! If you were promoted and bought a new car they came back with "HAVE YOU FORGOTEN THE KURD MASSACRES"???...if you were placed in charge of a departnment in government anywhere they said YOU ARE SUPPORTING THE ARABS WHO KILLED US IN 1256!!! In fact the ONLY thing you could do to prove you were "Assyrian" and a lover of your people...was go to the West and encourage a war against Iraq. THAT made you a partiot! Remembering all the reasons they have to NOT FORGET hasn`t done anything for the boys but make them want revenge..a revenge they can`t even exact themselves but have to pay others to do for them. This not forgetting every injustice, every twist of fate that`s visited everyone on this planet hasn`t allowed them to build anything...hasn`t inspired them to create anything..hasn`t even taught them the futility and barbarity of revenge. It`s done nothing but increase the size of the chip on their shoulder..make them glory in their ignorance and increase the frantic demands they make to be compensated and recognized and have their personal misfortunes and historical wrongs placed at the top of all that humanity has suffered and is being forced to suffer even now...out of a desire for revenge that promises to keep the whole thing going forever. This insistance that there can only be ONE kind of Assyrian, only ONE point of view...when there are 1000 kinds of denominations and clubs and influences and believes..this inability to allow more than ONE kind of cheese for us all to eat, impoverishes us all , makes us weak and BORING! That`s why the only real enemy an "Assyrian" has is another one..because long before they get out on the field to fight anyone else, they`re battling in the dressing room over which shirt to wear...what insignia represnts them...which language they`ll speak, what to call it when they get out there..who`s entitled to the first kick or shot based on how TRUE a member of the team he is and all the rest of it. As it`s been we`ve never even gotten out on the FIELD, in the modern era, so busy are we bashing each other...except for the Ashurbanipal Monument and the one in Australia. And they wonder why the world passes them by... ...the world takes the hint it gets from THEM! --------------------- |
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