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=> Bush Is A Four-Letter Word

Bush Is A Four-Letter Word
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 14:15:08 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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A problem with a winner-take-all Sweepstakes like America`s is that millions of people get left out each time. Repubs are good at polarizing people and issues..if you aren`t for their program you`re "anti-American", which means THEY are the Americans and half the country all of a sudden is some foreign entity burrowing into America`s Heartland...that`was their ticket to power all through the 60s and most of the 70s...and they did it again over Iraq. They`ve set the situation up in such a way that even if they leave power, no Democrat can afford to be "soft On Terrorism"..just as none could afford to be perceived as being soft on Communism.

Bush and previous presidents have supported policies that have created a fertile atmosphere for Muslim extremists guaranteeing a steady pool of furiously desperate people...and all it takes is for three of them to be released after a couple of years of illegal humiliation and torture to "strike back" and you can bet every official or "liberal" who`d merely asked that America remain true to the rule of Law will be seen as an enemy of America in the New Reality Age etc. and the Repubs can ride back into office with a mandate to "protect" Americans.

So that even if Bush is defeated his foreign policy, such as it is, will dominate American politics for as long as there is Islam. Kerry even said that if elected president he would see about ending involvement in Iraq by the "end of his term". The longer we meddle in the MidEast the more enemies we Dems can`t afford to be seen as the ones who lost the no one could have afforded to be seen as "Losing China"...whatever that meant.

To become president at all Clinton had to become more Republican on key issues than the Republicans...he even rushed back home to Arkansas during the campaign to be present at the execution of a black man who was mentallly retarded...Repubs like that. He also hired even more cops than Republicans ever had and of course he went along with the charade that was Iraq and bombed the Sudan over nothing...nothing of what was claimed.

To be charitible, and who needs charity more than the devil in blue dress hisself...Clinton is a realist with a corn pone halo...he and Hillary probably thought selling their souls as much as traffic could bear would still leave them enough to wage a good battle on at least one key issue..and that was Health Care. They tried...lord knows they tried, to bring this vital issue to center stage. I`m guessing they felt it was one good thing that could come from all the compromises they had to make to even get there..politics is the art of the IS one who is any kind of a purist at heart is going to win a popular somewhere, somehow you have to cut yourself into a paper doll to play at all.

The real culprit, besides human fallibility is the money in the system...and that`s something our bought and paid for Congress cannot tackle directly.

So, to answer your question, I don`t vote, I have never voted and I never will. I don`t like being a willing party to fraud...and I think Nader was long as we agree to play their game by their`s merely a matter of which bad choice you make..that ain`t democracy it isn`t even a Republic..we`re just fooling ourselves...I don`t like to do that. What difference did it make that Hitler was voted into office and didn`t steal the election..or rather, the election was "stolen" before the votes were even cast...that`s what we have..the election is a set-up, our vote is merely a little sop thrown our way..we feel we "did something"..we exercised our freedoms...we participated in government...Nader was for blowing this charade wide open...and I think he was right and still is. This isn`t Democracy...this is more like how Saddam was elected only there were two Saddams to "choose" from...all we`re really doing is marking down a "Yes" or a "No"...this isn`t a matter of real choice at all...the things you have to do to "qualify" mean you`ve sold your soul to "A" instead of "B" and increasingly there isn`t even a difference between them...Corporations fund both parties to insure they`ll get the goods from whoever wins....

The difference between them isn`t worth a tinker`s dman..and if one of thinks he`s going to tackle the tough issues, the corporations on both sides of the fence will team up for the moment to defeat whatever is anathema to all of them.

The only vote that counts is where we shop. Each day and with each dollar we spend we`re going to the source..not the politicians fronting for his masters..but to the masters directly...whose bottom is so shakey that a 10% shift into the red can bring their heavily mortgaged, leveraged, stock optioned mish mash of shady finances crashing down round their ears. We have the power in our hands, thanks to the very system the Corps set up to get all our money in the first place..with enough left over to buy our politicans out from under us and no matter how hard we try in THEIR arena, playing by THEIR rules..especially as they have direct access to write those rules without even the pretense on an intermediary any longer, we`ll lose every time because the vote comes down to Tweedledee or Tweedledum...and that isn`t Democracy it`s a set-up for people to fool themselves with with...and I don`t want to play.


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