The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Chaldeans have finally outdone the Assyrians in jingoistic foolishness

Chaldeans have finally outdone the Assyrians in jingoistic foolishness
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 7:49:53 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...what stories of torture and lynchings and beatings and a stacked justice system Afro-Americans could have told the people of any country they ran to...and wished destruction on their "homeland" from...which wasn`t even their original home...but they didn`t run..they stood their ground against people more brutal than ten Saddams and an entire system that systematically and deliberately broke their children`s hearts, denied them work and education and a drink of water and a seat at the counter and denied them a fair ride on a bus even...but they stayed put and they fought the good fight and all America benefitted from their courage and resolve...that`s why they produced someone who sounded like Martin Luther King Jr...and the Chaldean and Assyrian Christians produce these thugs.


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