Christian Gas.. |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 10 2004, 17:22:29 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..that`s what "Assyria" runs on. The boys are dyed in the head Christians, which means they`ve been trained from infancy to believe ridiculous things, all the more when they are obviously and stupendously ridiculous...makes them warm and gooey all over to imagine they`re better than the rest because they have HOPE and FAITH where there is absolutely no tangible reason to have any. Assyrians look around..see what is..know from their own experience that it was strength and energy and fearlessness that got them their it got America its empire...and they conclude that those days are over...that what they created is everywhere in the world today, being used and appreciated though most don`t know the origin of the things they benefit from...Assyrians take it on themselves to educate the world about who did this and under whose guidance and how etc. Assyrians deal in realities, they always did. That doesn`t mean they didn`t have dreams...look at what they dreamed of..and then made a reality of..but it means they won`t JUST dream. Assyrians never asked anybody for anything..they didn`t ask Babylon for sovereignty, they didn`t ask Egypt for trade routes...and beyond bugs and goat turd guano there was nothing they ever needed from Israel. Except, inexplicably, we are assured by the boys they prefered the "moral teachings" of them people... But the boys have "great faith"...they revel in keeping "hope alive"...they get gooey all over things about things they haven`t a snowballs chance in Jackie`s pooter of an an Assyrian triangle which is as hopeless and futile as getting to a Jew paradise..but they BELIEVE, the have an beilief in the unknowable and unproveable for that VERY REASON...sort of like having faith in Britian or Americas promises, that they NEVER made. That`s how you know it`s all Christian gas high on Christian Faith octane that`s driving their "agendamobile". Assyrians are pragmatists...realists..they looked out over the desert and the envisioned a paradise on earth..then they went out and BUILT it!!! It was the Hebrews..who gave us Christianity and the need for Messiahs and a better shot after you`re dead..who looked out over the "holy land" and said...."AhhhSHIT!!! somebody come get us out of here and GIVE us heaven..cause we sure as shit can`t build a toilet on our own". That`s degradation right there for an Assyrian...and that`s all the boys are...degraded Assyrians, if they were ever even that. --------------------- |
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