Christian rebirth |
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- Saturday, June 12 2004, 19:15:22 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
These aren`t more moral days...the whole born again thing is about shouting down your own doubts and creaming the opposition... The anti-abortion issue and god in the schools and up our noses has nothing to do with fetuses or morals but everything to do with tax breaks for the rich, environmental pollution, crime as big business etc. God has always been the preferred means for rascals, scoundrels and murderers to get away with it...the Repubs can`t very well come out say they want to increase pollution and give their buddies a break on taxes and wage wars cause it`s good bidness...they tried being "honest"..or rather whenecver their front failed they get wiped out now they`ve enlisted god and morals to get them into office after which they can fuck us all over as they always intended...and increasingly the Dems are a branch office..nothing more. The country has gotten sicker and more murderous and more hypocritical and more cowardly and more brutal and the people in it lie more and are willing to steal more and cheat more and pretend more...those are the wages of religion...insitutionalized indecency with a pretty face..a godly face. There`s a good reason the Founding Fathers left god out of government..they didn`t leave him out of people`s private lives which is where he belongs when not in a strait-jacket. They just saw what legislating with god looking over your shoulder led to in Europe..a prolonged massacre of completely innocent though ditzy people for nothing..absolutely nothing except power, land, wealth and more power...all of it masked, then as now, with a godly face. And we aren`t even talking about the great war to cook and eat all Jews that would come later..or this new one against Islam..we`re talking about Christians killing Christians..the history of the religious wars in Europe are a mind-numbing bit of butchery it`s hard to believe..till you remember these people stared life by insisting their own prophet had to be skinned, hung out to dry and eaten slowly over 2000 years...and call THAT "perfect love". Today we`re looking at the prospect of the world having one big Civil War..only it`s a religious civil war..the worst Ibn Saud a religious war there can be no have to kill everyone. And they just about did in Europe till the towns and fields stank of rotting corpses, all sent to glory, and the diseases threatened to wipe out the rest of them. Frederick The Great called it quits as far as his country was concerned...declaring, on reaching the throne of Prussia, that during his time on earth, everyone would have to get to heaven as best they could..that so long as they obeyed the laws of the land..all were free to believe as they chose. This after years of exhausting the people and devastating the crops till it looked like god was insane and wanted all this murder and pillage..and he DOES! Read his own "Mein Kampf", that bloody bible, in which he declares war against Human Nature. Today the god-people are intoxicated with the prospect of having it out globally...not just Christian against Christian but Christian against Christian against Jew against Muslim against birds, fishes, trees and the air we breathe. This isn`t "godliness" it`s insdanity...insanity people have forgotten the outcome of or yearn`s what the Forefathers knew only too well that we never learned..god has no place in secular affairs..the Law is not only more than sufficient, it is far more humane and screwy as it can get there`s at least some redress...whereas with god you`re done for...there`s no appeal...that bastard wouldn`t let his own son think he gives a damn about you? --------------------- |
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