Christians At It Again |
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- Friday, July 2 2004, 4:21:04 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
anyone who opens newspapers from the 1800s or could filter around for the last 100 years he or she would hear the most amazing slanders against Jews...all sorts of games were played by Christians in their single-minded effort to dehumanize they could more easily brutalize them.. the same is being done with Islam now..this is the next holy war Christians have declared...we all know what they did to the Jews...they`re getting ready to do it again to Muslims... Question Authority The Quran mentions beheading. Why does the U.S. press claim otherwise? By Lee Smith Posted Thursday, July 1, 2004, at 2:10 PM PT Following the recent beheadings of Americans and other foreigners in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, the U.S. press turned to various experts to identify a precedent in the Quran or Islamic history for this kind of gory murder. ...while your press showed the beheadings or showed enough of it to disgust were very careful to keep the cameras out of the pediatric wards of Iraqi hospitals, once among the best...where you could have seen prolonged horror and fear and sufferinjg in the big round eyes of hungry children wondering why their parents couldn`t make the pain stop. This is more of the same stuff you people used against Jews...altered slightly to fit whomeever you`re geting ready to butcher next. "Beheadings are not mentioned in the Koran at all," Imam Muhammad Adam El-Sheikh, co-founder and chief cleric at the Dar Al Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Va., told USA Today. Yvonne Haddad, a professor at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University agreed, telling New York Newsday, "There is absolutely nothing in Islam that justifies cutting off a person's head." If reporters bothered to open up a copy of the Quran, say, N.J. Dawood's Penguin Classics translation, they'd find at least two relevant passages: ...would you care to open your bible to see the things that Yahwe visited on innocent children and those who piss against walls? Wasn`t it he who insisted his darling son be crucified? Do you think that`s a pleasant way to die?...Do you think it`s kind of a father to demand his son go through that? How about the young, unofending and innocent sons the Hebrews slit the throats of? Do you think there`s that much difference? You are the most flgarant liars and murderers the world has ever seen and you have the nerve to criticize how other kill? God revealed His will to the angels, saying: "I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers." (Sura 8, Verse 12) ...didn`t America`s boy in Iraq say he would cut the hands off of whoever was behind the bombings? Are you serious? You`re going to take as current truth what happened ages ago? Where in your bible did it tell you to kill Jewish children..or Iraqi children..or were you just improvising? "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads." (Sura 47, Verse 4) Christians in every country the world knows beheaded people regularly..and burned them at the stake and placed them in Irom Maidens and dangled them from cages for thirty years....are you serious in this attempt to make your murders more what...kind? For anyone, Muslim or non-Muslim, who wants to put some distance between contemporary jihadist practice and the beliefs of ordinary Muslims, there are a range of arguments that might attenuate the force of these passages. For instance, it could be argued that these excerpts need to be put into context; they don't literally mean what they seem to say; or that they're the product of a particular historical moment, now passed. What's more, some might say that beheading is not really Islamic at all but is in fact an unfortunate holdover from pre-Islamic times, when the warring tribes on the Arabian peninsula decapitated their rivals and left them unburied in the field for predators to devour. Some commentators claim that centuries ago beheading was simply the easiest way to kill people. That's not quite accurate. ...why isn`t it? How did the most Christian French kill all those thoudands of people? Ever hear of the guillotine? In fact, they used it precisely because it was the most humane way to execute it that much worse than giving Jewish children teddy bears so they`ll be distracted while you load them into showers where you`ll gas them to death and make lampshades of their skin? suffocating children a kind Christian thing to do? Why don`t you people knock it off and let`s all stop being brutes..instead of covering up yur own crimes by geting us to focus on your brothers on the opposite are all sick. Even the old Arabs knew it was a spectacularly vicious way to send people to their deaths, so savage that sometimes the executioner would pay the consequences for his murderous zeal. In fact, there's a famous story in pre-Islamic literature about a decapitated head having its revenge. ...The Christians were chopping heads off right and left...remember? ...that`s a legend..what the fuck are you talikng about...cutting off a head is a relatively fast way to end is dangling at the end of a rope any better? Who practcied drawing and quartering besides Christians? Who made incisions in the side of a victim through which they pulled out the intestines...roasting them over a fire...and then hanged the victim and then cut his beating heart out of his body and put it down his throat..and then cut him down and cut his body into four section and dragged the parts behind horses..or ripped it apart using four horses running in opposite directions? Who but the same people who wrote the King James Bible in their off hours. Is ignorance patriotic now? Shanfara was a great warrior who boasted that he would slay 100 of his enemies. After he had killed 99, he was struck down in battle, decapitated, and his head tossed away. When one of Shanfara's enemies passed by and kicked his skull, the man injured himself and eventually died from the wound. So, even in death, Shanfara had his hundred. ...very funny. Who said it was an acceptable policy that resulted in 500,000 children starved to death? When have Muslims done this? Who besides Christians have killed innocent people just for being Jews...Muslims? If that isn`t in your bible...then why do you people not listen to YOUR god? Am I a "liberal who wants free drugs" because I happen to read more than the bible and Archie comics? --------------------- |
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