Corps |
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- Tuesday, June 22 2004, 14:50:57 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
as Corporations get richer, they can afford to buy more they buy more politicians, they can pass laws and change old ones that drop barriers to their making even more they get wealthier and begin to reach maximum profitabillity, they can use their politicnas to reduce costs...reduce health care, reduce job security, export jobs, get rid of jobs, avoid compensation, take back retirement benefits etc, "cost cutting" they call they make more money that way, they look around for other easy fixes...they get their politicans to change stock market regulation so they can play bubblegum scams and manipulate non-existant assets and sell dummy companies...then when they get caught, they can use their politicians, who all received favors, to avoid serious consequences and any serious damamge done, such as the Savings and Loan scandal, can be charged up to the same employees they stiffed...the employees of America whose taxes pay for everything and who get nothing in return...nothing anywhere near to the amounts of sweat they invest. Increasingly clever ways to make money need to be dreamed up for legitimate business opportunities don`t float by every day and these new executives are all about making a buck fast..not growing a mom and pop company like the old days...which is the nostalgic haze everyone is encourgaed to look back on..those good old days that weren`t. War beats everything else as a money-maker and since the corps and their politicians have changed media regulation laws, they can buy up all outlets and run advertising as "news"..and the "news" can take us to war..take us there gladly. In time the government isn`t about the people, it`s about how the Corps can make more money through scams, lies and manipulation...and all this time the power is in our hands and we don`t know it and we don`t use it. Every time we make a purchase...and think how often you do that in a day...we are voting. Voting with the one thing those Corps live for and sweat for and fuck us over for...YOUR dollar! That one dollar is your vote...your ballot...and election time comes several times in a day...not every few years. And this dollar vote is a direct`s counted immediately and it`s counted fair and the end of the day at the bottom of the line, everyone knows where that dollar went to,,,,there are legions of accountants and tax lawyers and vice-presidents in charge of financing counting your vote...agonizing over your vote..and your vote is a dollar.... Corps live for dollars..they risk jail time for a dollar...they scheme and cheat and lie over a dollar..they are all desperate each moment of each day for your dollar..for your vote of confidence in what they sell...they BEG you for your vote, they plead every day from radios and TVs and in newspapers for your dollar..they offer you incentives and cash back and coupons for you vote. Every minute of every day you hold a Corps`life in your hands...when you open your wallet to buy scotch tape you`re voting for the president of the`re deciding whether he can buy another sailboat or not...your single dollar holds his life and the education of his children in your`s up to you if he lives or dies... All we have to do to regain our government...all we have to do to send the Corps back to what they should be doing...all we have to do to make them loathe the idea of ever meddling in politics to refuse to vote for the ones who do..for the ones who contribute TEN CENTS to ANY political anything...for they are companies...let them do what companies do..we are the people...we will determine our government ourselves. You vote every day...every hour of every day...and you can decide whom to vote for. Elections are won by one vote...and a Corp can show only one dollar profit...and it can lose the election and its shirt for that one dollar. Do not be fooled by how much they "take in". There were Corps taking in millions who went broke because of ten bucks one way or the other. If a Corp takes in 10 billion but lays out 9.99 billion in costs and will go broke. Let ten million people vote for the will still go broke because it`s the profit a Corp lives for, not making operating expenses. And the wonderful thing is we have such a variety of places to put our vote..all vying for our dollar...that WE can decide who lives and dies. It doesn`t take a complete boycott to scare the shit out of a Corp...if they lose 3% of their profit two years running, they`re either history or they change. If we say that only those Corps will get our vote that are honest, clean and STAY OUT OF POLITICS in every way there is..every single way except to vote as individials..that they not EVEN give a dime to any politicnas or parties or anythings..while their officers and workers are as free as any citizen to do so...then you can bet there`d be a stampede to get OUT of there`s been one to get into it... None of them has asked for legislation to help any of`s all been about them..and it`s come down to robbing our Treasury by scaring us..wasting our money..not theirs, OURS..on foolish wars that kill people for nothing more than Corp bottom lines. You know it`s true. Not a shot has to be fired..there`s no need for revolution or clandestine one can be arrested and thrown in jail..or tried as a Terrorist or a friend of Terrorists for buying Crown Cola instead of Coke. We can go about our business...attend movies, go on dates, get drunk, get married...go on vacation...all that we do anyway...but we can carry out vote in our wallets everywhere we go and everywhere we go executives will be looking out their office windows to see if we`ll vote for them...and at the end of each day they`ll eagerly count the dollars we mark for them and they will be grateful and pleased and think of new ways to attract our vote. It`s very simple really. Take back political dollar at a time. --------------------- |
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