Drowned Iraqi says It Was "Fun" |
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- Friday, July 2 2004, 23:56:53 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..."it beats getting your head cut off", said Ahmad Jassim who was killed when American soldiers liberated him from earth by forcing him into the Tigris River"...a nice touch no? I mean for Americans to go all that way to bring an Assyrian and his river closer together. Some people summarily drown a prisoner or detainee and they are Good but mistaken...and some cut his head off, which makes them Evil through and through and typical too. When I say dead is dead. ......at least Rumsfeld said it was better when comparing the humane ways in which Americans kill Iraqis...vs the cold blooded, heinous, totally unacceptable, reprehensible, barbarous, inhumane, deceitful, dirty, nasty way in which Muslim Radical Extremist Jaywalkers murder...and anybody who argues the point is a drug abusing fornicating COMMIE TERRORIST!!! What I don`t get is why they never identify the religion of the murderers when they`re Christians but always mention it when they`re Muslim. I`m beginning to think it`s because not mentioning these people are Muslims might lead someone who knows Christianity`s record well to assume such barbarians MUST be Christians..so the journalists want to be sure we understand that THIS was not done by a Christian..as apparently everyone expects it be the case because they never bother mentioning when the criminal is Christian..like we`re used to Christians doing this kind of stuff so there`s no need to point out "this was done by a Christian"..since they`re the biggest criminals against human rights...whereas Muslims, being new to the game, need to have their religion identified quickly..lest we just assume it`s those Bloody Christians again. --------------------- |
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