False Lies!!! |
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- Friday, July 2 2004, 0:48:44 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
To Ashor: Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum Written by wm warda on 01 Jul 2004 18:37:22: As an answer to: Demanding the Turks and the Kurds to apologize to the Assyrians for the genocide written by Ashor Giwargis on 01 Jul 2004 11:59:09: Dear Ashor: Assyrian writers including Chamaoun Danho foolishly claim that Assyrians joined the allies against the Turks during world war one. ...you mean like they foolishly joined these Alies this time around? You mean like the joined the British in wearing their uniforms, carrying their guns and receiving money from them to kill Iraqis, their hosts who`d opened their borders to allow them to escape being murdered by other Muslims? ...How can it be that in all this nonsense you wrote you failed to mention Agha Poutous once? Ever hear of him, or was he of a different hill tribe? Do you know anything about what went on then? What Syriac manuscript did you get this history from? You never heard of the Assyrian guerilla band under Agha Petrous that attacked Turkish units and outposts? The French know who he was..they called him the Lion of Assyria. Ever hear of him? My great uncle Babajan Malek was his personal bodyguard and head of his security detail and fought in every battle with him….even going into exile to France with their families when they got shafted by the British. ...I`ve heard lots of stories from Babajan about their actions on behalf of the British, who supplied them…until that fatal day when then the ship broke in two sending 300 Assyrian soldiers..not weepy vialgers, you consummate ass, but soldiers, My grandfather`s 20 year old brother among them , to the bottom of Lake Urmia. That was just before the British solved their “Assyrian problem” by not showing up at the appointed time to hand the guerilla band their much needed ammunition…after insisting that they could only bring the ammunition part of the way...that Agha Poutrous and his men would have to leave their families behind in those villages and go through the snow to retrieve the ammunition..which they were using on BEHALF of the British…choosing again against all advice to trust that the British would give them a triangle too. Fearing the worst but with little choice, the army moved towards their rendezvous…only the Briritsh weren`t there…knowing what it meant they rushed back as fast as they could to arrive too late. ...You are a fool and an ass to try to rewrite history so that all Assyrians will appear as cowardly as the rest of you..pissing and qualing in those villages. Like the Assyrians of old these men threw their lives away in active defense of their villages and families, caught between bastards on all sides…as the people of Iraq are now. Back then it was YOUR ancestors who ran to the hills before the last fight even began…and maybe they were still quailing in the hills…but not other Assyrians. ...You really shouldn`t cut and fit everything to your Christian agenda that has you boys a bunch of Pollyanas getting picked on by everybody. The Turks use such statement as an excuse to justify their massacre of the Assyrians. In fact they used this arguments in 1924 to not allow the Assyrians of the highland from returning to their former villages and the League of Nations went along with it. 1924 is three years after the Christians whom Iraq had taken in went to work for the British attackers and occupiers of their day…for pay and using British guns to kill their hosts…you can understand why Muslims everywhere would treat Christian like dirt after that...especially considering how sacred hospitality and its obligations are to Islam. The fact is that Assyrians of Urmi and the mountains were in no position to assist the allies in any shape and forms. All they could do was to protect themselves from being totally massacred. …bullshit. This is your lie…made to help you appear like poor lambs always being slaughtered. Ever hear of Agha Poutrous..the Turks sure did…so did the French who along with the British used him and in the case of France awarded him their highest military decoration..for what? Shaking in fear in a village with you? Here is what happened: …here is what your church wants to put out..to lie to the world that you Christians never did a damn thing in some of the touchiest situations ever..never made any errors of judgement except of course to sit innocently and piously in your mud huts while cruel and terrible things were done to you. You make me sick…no wonder you boys hate Muslim Assyrians..because they got back up in the saddle and built another empire while you shaked and quaked and baked. In August 1914 Turks already knew that they would go to war against the Allies. , ...why don`t you give the reason they knew? because the European powers, sans Germany, made no secret for years that “Turkey was ripe for the taking”..they called it the “Sick man of Europe”…so I guess we know what Christians do with sick old men..the attack them and chop them limb from limb and then steal their life savings. ...They knew four major Christian nations, with America standing behind them, were preparing to wage a totally uncalled for war against them and that once again they would use Christians as a pretext…and they did just that..fomenting discord inside Turkey until the Sultan was forced to quell the riots…which is all the Brits were waiting fo...the native Christian Assyrians may not have posed the actual threat..it was the Armenians who seized the main bank in Istanbul and threatened to kill all hostages and blow the place up and it was the British ambassador who got the anarchists out of there on his personal yacht. The Sultan tried appeasement but to no avail..the Western Christians were determined to make war against Turkey and the Turks had every good reason to doubt the loyalty of Christians. ...If America feels justified in killing Afghan wedding guests and 500,000 Iraqi children..when attacked by 19 SAUDIS…you can understand how the Turks wer worried about treason within their own borders..not half way around the world..as the Americans attacked Iraq when it had nothing to do with 9/11. They summoned the Patriarch of the Church of the East and asked him to refrain from joining the allies and in return Turkey will assure the security of the Assyrians. ...Now, why would they even think to do such a thing? You`re forgetting that Agha Poutrous refused to go along for which you dipshits have never forgiven him..you know the story full well but like Peter you choose to talk down to the people you “teach"...keep certain "sensitive things" from them because they might not be able to handle it and also because all those enemies you have might hear..like they don`t know the history you won`t mention. Agha Poutous decided to take the risk and though he won his battles, he lost the war. Why did France give him a chateau and pension him off for the rest of his life? Why?…go on tell us. However in October 28th attacks against the Assyrians of Urmi and the fringes of the mountain Assyrians began. Assyrians villages were attacked by the Kurds under the command of the Turkish officers some were destroyed, people were killed. Soon Jihad was declared against the Christians. …ridiculous...there was no Jihad like the one the Christians declared against Turkey. Many turks, including officers helped the Christians…as did many Turks and Kurds. Every People has assholes in it..you are ours. The Assyrians of Urmi historically had been frohibited from possessing any weapons. The only protection they received was from the Russians who had been stationed in Persia for decades. They had arrived in the country to protect the Shah from the revolutionaries. However they left Urmi in January of 1915 leaving Assyrians to fend for themselves. . ...they came to protect the Shah from WHAT revolutionaries? Russia was in the war till the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917…that`s when the Rusians left, not in 1915..and they pulled their armies back for that reason..to protect the Czar..not the Shah. Starting in October 1914 the mountain villages further from Godchanis were attacked, plundered, men were killed, women and children were carried away. Assyrians had no one helping them and were in no position to help themselves or harm Turkey. In October 1914 Turkey allied itself with Germany and attacked the Russian port of Odessa. Soon the message of jihad was being repeated by the Muslims. “The war is a Jihad and therefore any moslem who does not take part in conversion of the Kafirs will declare himself an apostate and the enemy of the faith of Prophet Mohammed”. see (Surma d’ Bait Mar Shimun, “Assyrian Church Customs; and the Murder of Marshimun”, Church of the East 1983 pp. 65-1980.) …bullshit. The infidels mentioned in the Koran are NOT Christians. Muslims have nothing against Christians and have always allowed them their faith..what no Muslim will allow is your trying to steal their lands BASED on your faith..which you claim makes you ASSYRIANS! Are you crazy? And they will not forgive your faith if on that basis and that basis alone you form alliances with foreign Christians or look to them to come save your Christ and reinstate him. Muslims never declared a Jihad against Christians…but they sure as hell fought back. You Christians declared war on Turkey...that made all Christians within the Ottoman Empire potential Levies..and sure enough, Agha Poutous took pay and weapons from the foreign Christians to attack Turks…that was the end. ..Turkey never allied itself with Germany willingly. The Germans just chose to play good cop to the rest of the Christian`s bad cop..the Sultan thought to at least have one industrialized European power on his side..it was another fatal mistake for he didn`t trust any of them...but what was he supposed to do? By January 1915 most of the Assyrian villages in the plain of Nineveh and the outskirts of the mountains were plundered, Destroyed, thousands were killed and the rest found refuge where they could. ...in Iraq where an Arab, this time from Arabia, took them in and gave them shelter and we all know how they repaid him..by yet again listening to the sweet nothings foreign Christians blew up their ass...and again they formed Levies and again they took pay from foreign Christians to kill Muslims, in this case their hosts and benefactors...as you`ve done yet again in Iraq...which is why the Muslims want you OUT of Iraq...you people don`t deserve to live there… ...lots of Turkish villages were plundered and millions of Turks were killed and their lands seized from them...these things happen to everyone in war time..your case is nothing special. In the mountains the Assyrians of Shamsdin, Norduz, Albag, Mar Bisho, Lyle, and Gawar (Targawar and MarGarwar) had been subjected to massacres plunder and kidnapping. All pleas for help from Mar Shimun to the valli of Van fell on the deaf ear. (ibid) ...why would Muslims respond to help Christians when their entire world is being destroyed before their eyes by Christians? How well liked do you suppose Muslims feel in America right now..and if a host of Muslim countries should attack America, kill Americans and steal land and treasure..do you really think Washington would come to the help of American Muslims…under any conditions? really? It was not until April 1915 that Assyrians in the mountains south of Godchanis realized that Turkey had no intention to provide them protection and unless they act to protect themselves they too soon will be attacked by the Kurds and massacred. By then the Assyrians of the Plain of Urmi had been already decimated and those in the mountain had no one to help them. Soon the Turkish army arrived with cannons and other armaments, assisted by tens of thousands of Kurds fought its way into the Assyrian villages killing anyone which they could lay their hand on. ...there is nothing odd in that at all...it is terrible, but standard procedure for Christians too who`ve been known to starve a half million children. That`s why we want this thing stopped...you aren`t going to win this time either. From 250,000 Assyrians who lived in the mountain 30 to forty thousand managed to escape to Urmi. Claiming that Assyrians had sided with the allies against Turkey or had any outside help has no basis in reality. ...neither does your neglecting to mention a man who is known to all Assyrians and a valiant hero to many, who tried the impossible..leaving him out of your story cats a huge shadow over the veracity of any it..like you wanted to make your point so badly, that Christians have never done ANYTHING to bring retaliation on their own heads, that you leave out possibly THE Assyrian figure of the modern era. This is so clearly sappy propaganda to make you seem like absolute angels and innocent victims..that all of it can be easily dismissed. It was not until the end of the 1917 when the Russians left Iran that Assyrians were forced to defend themselves against the overwhelming Turkey’s, Kurd’s and Persian’s military forces. ..I thought the Russians left in 1915? I quote you…”Russians who had been stationed in Persia for decades. They had arrived in the country to protect the Shah from the revolutionaries. However they left Urmi in January of 1915 leaving Assyrians to fend for themselves”. Did they come back and then leave again? The Assyrians of the plain of Urmi and the mountains were in no position to be of any threat to Turkey. ...yes they were as Agha Poutous`s army proved. The British certainly were happy to have his help...the French too. They couldn`t defeat Turkey by themselves but that wasn`t their value…they were asked to harass mountain strongholds, drawing troops from other places..same thing T. E. Lawrence was doing at that time in the Hejaz. Those in Urmi historically had no experience even to defend themselves. ...Not true as any number of photos of Assyrian men with rifles shows. We weren`t ALL whimps fella. Also my great uncle had his own unit of “soldiers” who would parade and practice military drills under the watchful and helpful gaze of the Russian soldiers. Babajan Malek was a great fighter as were all the men in their small army. Why must you insist on removing everybody`s balls just so we can fit into your Syriac manuscript jockstrap? The Assyrians of the mountains were surrounded by very well equipped Kurds on all side which outnumbered them by a hundred to one. They were in no position to fight and defeat them or to pose a threat to Turkey. ...they didn`t have to defeat the entire nation...they were a diversionary force..and enough diversions can sap your main force ...why don`t you stick to Hail Marys? Turkey was a super power equipped with the latest weapons ...that`s absurd. The empire was rotting form within from neglect and mismanagement…and were no match for the Europeans, including the Russians the few times they went against them. Where do you get these lies from? the only weapon Assyrians in the highland had were one shot flint guns. To say that Turkey was forced to massacre Assyrians because they posed a danger to it is a white faced lie and is foolish for the Assyrian writers to imply that. ...The Christians were supplied by the Brits who also gave them light cannon…you are the one lying, foolishly leaving out of your account the most colorful and courageous Assyrian we produced in the last 100 years..just so you can make your lies seem plausible. Please post this on the AINA Forum. ...don`t tell me you got your kissy ass self banned too! wm warda ...got fish? --------------------- |
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