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=> God People Aren`t Clean People

God People Aren`t Clean People
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, September 4 2004, 20:26:48 (CEST)
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...the more ardent they are...especialy if they have an evengelical streak in them and are convinced they`re doing holy work and the bidding of God the dirtier their tactics. In that regard I feel a little unclean mself taking a shit(that`s TOO inspired to change) at Paul while he`s at the convention...smacks too much of taking advantage of someone who isn`t here...not that we removed him...but it still feels like I`m taking advantage b putting something out he`s not able to respond to immediately..that leaves Dean and he`s still in Armenia.

It`s okay to use passion and emotional arguments when ou want to motivate people to do something basically harmless and even good...but not when the "good" is doing the will of yahwe..whom none of us ever met. Doing the bidding of ANY of them old gang of Hebrews is not my idea of what an Assyrian or Hottentot would do willingly. If you use emotional appeals to get a dance theatre built..that`s harm done. If you use emotion to get people worked up so they`ll kill someone...then you`re nuts.

For the purposes of abortion a fetus isn`t "people" yet...argue with it all you want to..but the arguments would be more credible if those pushing them the hardest weren`t at the forefront of killing people already born and well past it too. A fetus that can`t sustain life on its own, because it`s too early in its development has been ruled a non-viable Pulp...and as such isn`t Life..properly is indeed POTENTIAL life..but like we said..the day these people show some respect and bust our balls and clits to save LIVING Life is the day they can make this argument for potential life and the sacredness of potential life with more integrity than they now have. Who ISN`T against abortion...who wants it for "fun". It`s a no-brainer..the only difference is that those who are for a woman`s right to choose her body...are FOR that right...we aren`t all FOR abortion...and we also reject what they provide as still isn`t THEIR call.

Doing god`s work makes a scoundrel of you...god`s work should be limited to what passes between your god and you...but when you sail the oceans looking for those people you can do god`s work`ve overstepped your bounds and deserve the worst that happens to you for your effrontery...if god is all that obvious and wonderfu a thing don`t come telling me I`m a Rotter and an Evil Axle too cause I refuse it...just mind your own business.

Back to Paul and Pulp...if you remember he started his "work for god" here by posting a photo of completely developed child a week or so from birth who`d been forcibly crushed, mangled and beat up in order to save the mother`s life...only he neglected to mention that...didn`t tell us till much later that he`d opt for the same greusome procedure if it meant his own wife`s life in the balance...had he said that up front there was no point in what followed.

Paul used this pulp as a way of making the point that ANY abortion is wrong...again neglecting to tell us he didn`t mean the very one he showed us the pulp from. He then went on to say DID YOU KNOW that the Law allows this sort of abortion for ANY REASON? Then he qualified that by adding in fine print the reasons..which were imminant physical harm including the death of the mother...of course we all know a woman can`t waltz in a day befor delivery and say dismember by baby I changed my mind...though I would still give her that right and again because her society has a hand in this for the atmosphere of "acceptable policies" it has growing up in where the starvation of a half million Children shouldn`t keep you from buying toys for your babies...this sickness doesn`t begin with women seeking fun abortions..killing children is OBVIOUSLY just fine with I^m not going to take it out on any woman who wants an abortion up to the minute the Pulp is still inside her..but that`s another point. If she our President did and all the churches went along..that "our way of life requires it"...then HER way of life "requiring it" is a good enough reason..she isn`t killing someone else`s child after all.

When finally caught lying for god, Paul next produced a bloody forked radish in the palm of a hand neatly arranged to simulate a living postion and asked well what about THAT? What about it? It looks no different than the bodies of childrn maimed in Iraq who are still struggling to remain alive, I`ll bet Majdolin`s child looked JUST like that if not what about it? How come we were mincing words over exactly how many children were murdered but we`re expected to come unglued at the sight of something already dead that was never alive to begin with?

When his latest photo didn`t do anything..he then tried to dance around the subject of what he would want for his own daughters...part of his dance had to do with FINALLY admitting that the first photo showed what he too would accept to save his wife...then when asked to show us the the actual words in that legal brief that said a woman could abort for ANY reason right up to the day of delivery...told me to go read for myself..clearly caught lying again..but lying for god..or a passle of unemployable Hebrews who convinced HIM they were Gods.

When finally the Rat he is...he bared his fangs...okay teeth..and said his own daughters could go to hell and take their chances for disobeying those same Hebrews sittting in the slums of Alexandria who wrote this crap. When told it WAS crap Paul reached back 4000 years with one of those, "Oh YEAHS?" so much of his debate is larded with and told me the ancient Assyrians concemned it which I had to pull him short by reminding him WE weren`t the ancient Assyrians..that we`ve evolved since then and today find ourslves in harmnony with the Legistlature and Supreme Law of the Land while HE and his Hebrew brood were STILL behaving as if they were squatting on a dunghill 3000 years ago inventing Morality when they couldn`t feed themselves with we helped them and the Egyptians and Persians and everyone else back then who needed mules to BUILD civilization so we`d get to the day when we stayed out of a woman`s body in at leat this instance..having already fucked around in there to GET her pregnant.

What we`re left with is a man doing god`s work by lying in the service of a bunch of Hebrews in Egypt who never liked women to begin with..being sly, devious and in the end cruel to living children while he professes to care for Pulp..when in reality he loses his Pulp no matter WHAT kind of procedure his daughter opts for...having merely achieved the Yahwe-like damnation and destruction of an otherwise dear daughter who SINNED before those Hebrews in the slums of Alexandria...and he wants to tell us this is an improvement over what Assyrians had and seek today..away from the slums of an Egyptian port town.

Back than and today...our own ways were the best and they still are. If the unexpected happens,,,as it does in so many ways where raising children in America is concerned..and his daughters should want abortions...can you see that their safety lies with Assyrians of today...and not even with a parent who is a Christian TODAY? The final damning bit of evidence comes when you realize that his Pulp will be dead no matter which abortion option is all that`s left for Paul to cherish in this fiendish morality he got from a slum, is his own satisfaction at the CHANCE that his daughters will SUFFER...that`s what his religion has left him with...and if they should escape being harmed by the abortionist with the coat hanger...Paul will turn them in HIMSELF, for thay have sinned against moralists of an Egyptian slum!

This is something comendable to Paul..but here again it`s all show..he`s lying through his teeth thinking he`ll make a moral point anyway...that we`ll think, "My God WHAT a morality that would sacrifice a child for a PRICIPLE and to adhere to yahwe`s ways and commandments". Remind you of anything? The Hebrews, when caught short on earth, would sacrifce their first-born son in the same way..the purpose being to either please yahwe..OR scare an opposing army into thinking..."My desperate these people must be..their god will surely strike us dead when he beholds this TERRIBLE sacrifice of a child".

We know Paul would do what they all do..all those who preach abstinance and don`t do this and don`t do that....who use their morality from their lofty status as the really GOOD people...not like he rablle they make these rules for who more than likely deserve all that ever happens to them and can`t expect to be let off, as a stick to further beat people into the ground...Paul would run to Canada in a heartbeat...he just wants to make sure poor women don`t have that option because then they would FUCK all the time!!! Whereas his daughters "slipped up" once..and should be given another chance...that`s all this bullshit morality is about..finding a way to condemn others while YOU slither away.

Paul is till practising good old human sacrifice...only it`s of his daughters...he`s come a long way you longer does he think he can get a promotion..or that rain will come if he slits the throat of his first-born son...this is after all a few thousand years down the road..Paul is modern...he`ll just sacrfice his daughters to that same God and his bloody ways so he can remain "tight" with the Lord..if his daughters are damned to hell and die and get there before Paul does...he still wants his he`ll do right "by the Lord"... as he was taught to do if it came to reciting ten words to save their lives...words Paul can`t say because old yahwe will get angry and might not let him in to his divine presence. Hell is spending eternity with THAT PUTZ!

This is Hebrew "Love"`s the parent of Christian "Love" that also has us killing Innocents and loving ourselves when WE sacrifice children..even our own..even Paul`s daughters to the bloodiest serial killer ever.


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