The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Good Lord!

Good Lord!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, September 10 2004, 15:02:11 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Re: I tip my hat to those young Assyrian activists

Posted By: Fred Aprim (
Date: Thursday, 9 September 2004, at 9:35 p.m.

In Response To: Convention Music (James)

This is what I heard.

Few young Assyrian activists present at one of the dance parties pulled the instruments plug out of the electrical circuit and shut down the music while a singer was singing an Arabic song. Then they went to the singer, stood there face to face and gave him a piece of their mind:-)

I know few Assyrians who flew back home Sunday morning as they were very disturbed by the much Arabic songs that were played the previous two nights (I am not sure if that continued on Sunday night as well). One father who took his family back home is quoted to have stated: I did not bring my kids here and spent all this money to listen to Arabic.

I think that it is the obligation of the Federation (AANF) organizing committee to dictate its rules to the singers when the contracts are signed. The Federation must be clear with the singers about what is permissible and what is not. It cannot be left to the singers to decide what to sing and in what language. The singers are basically contractors and the consumer (the Federation in this case) is the one that must put the rules so the contractors would follow. This is just commonsense.

..can you imagine what sort of place their triangle would be? They would be a little fascist america in the MidEast. And they think they`re going to be given anything back home?

...To Aprim these rude people are "activists"? What would they have done if Khalil Gibran read his poetry to them in Arabic? Thrown him out? Pulling the plug on singers is ACTIVISM?


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