Good News... |
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- Saturday, June 19 2004, 16:40:11 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..there isn`t any. Not for the boys, not for anyone in Iraq. But the bad news is good news to the boys..the news that more innocent people are getting killed...and the hope that brings them of a really great retaliation against Christians. But till the killing of Muslims, starts...Peter decides a joke or two will help while away the hours and days till he can come back all solemn like and tell us that Christians have been singled out to be that never happend to any Muslims. That will be "news!" and HOT "Flashes" to Peter and the boys. They`ll bring up the Levies...the past "massacres" fact, these boys live in the past..they long for the good old days when Muslims were killing them and they were giving them every good reason to. It`s not like innocent people don`t get many innocent Muslim children and Christian children and wedding guests and people who had nothing to do with 9/11 got killed. Does it matter? So the people of Simele were innocent and paid for the stupidity of Christians NOT from what? Isn`t all of Iraq paying for 9/11? Wasn`t that and the non-existant WMDs the whole excuse for this bloody war on civillians? And who cares? Where`s the outrage that children and parents and grandparents have been tortured and murdered for the past 14 years? No one is innocent who plays with fire....and the Christians of Iraq are being made to get the Christians outside who want them all dead and added to a list. Anything but a peace in which they might get Arabized...and the boys don`t want them out of harm`s where the boys are..where they can get Americanized to shit. Assyrians my arse. --------------------- |
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