The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Goodbye and Thank You

Goodbye and Thank You
Posted by Shushan (Guest) - Tuesday, August 31 2004, 15:44:04 (CEST)
from - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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Hi Inside Assyria posters, one and all.

I have decided to take a very long internet break and this time try to do it for real.

I wanted to say goodbye and not just dissapear, so I could thank this forum for its tolerance. I posted on other Assyrian forums usually on the "other side" of the majority here, and despite that you all welcomed me and were polite and open to listening and letting me listen. I have never been treated with such tolerance on a forum. I came here cause as the "other side", even though I have never had a side other than trying to promote tolerance and help all people but especially all assyrians... and I came here cause I realized that some of what you guys say, in particular about the religious intolerance that is ruining the world and our communities, is true. I think the solution to these problems are for us to all put aside the things that have wounded us and the hate that has bred hate in any of us, and listen to the truths others have, even those who may say things we don't like at times, for there are things to be learned. I have learned a lot about the intolerances and their injustices that people from different situations than me see, and my world view is much bigger now.. and I wanted to thank you all here for that. Since I only am posting on religious intolerance cause that is the area I agree with most on this forum, I think I have said my piece and any more will be a broken record as my debate with Dean turned into after just a couple of days... and I am done and just wanted to extend my respects, thanks and goodbye.

I hope one day ALL assyrians and all people can find a way to get past our brainwashing and pain to come to peace, understanding, tolerance and appreciation of each other, as you all here showed me that despite having had opposing posts previously, and one or two ugly ones, that you all showed me peace, understnading, tolerance and appreciation here, and I felt the same toward all of you.. as I did even those who were intolerant on other forums.

much love, take care all. bye.


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