The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum


Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 15 2004, 20:04:04 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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The New York Times 6 August 1907 (8 years before the Assyrians declared war on Turkey)

...and two decades before the children of Iraq could declare war on America, the Christians of America declared war on them...killing 500,000 Assyrian children, many of them Christian...before they might grow up and pose a threat to the free flow of oil. As long as you root for one side, you`re a part of the Game. And the Game is killing inncoent people on allsides. You get no special dispensation because you happen to wear a certain color jersey.

..These are all attempts to inflame justify more murder...which you people are good at. Just remember who brought on that First WORLD War...and the open greed with which those oil rich territories were being viewed by Industrial Christianity...and remember how welcome American Muslims, or any dark and "Arab looking" people were in New York and all across America. The soldiers who shoot each other..the ones that get killed in well as those civillians in the wrong place at the wrong time...are Collateral Damage...and you can sk`s tough, but it happens. There`s no "nice" way to conduct war...period. Innocent sivillians are being killed in this lates attack of Christians against Muslims...and they died 80 ears ago...and 2000 years ago and 1000 years one one is innocent, no one is safe untill ALL are safe.

TEHERAN, Aug. 5 - Incursions of Turkish troops across the northwest frontier of Persia have again begun.

A serious raid has occurred near Urumiah, 6,000 Turkish troops, with artillery, having crossed the frontier and destroyed the village of Mavaneh. Seventy-eight villagers, of whom sixty were women and children, mostly Christians, were killed. Subsequently the Turks drove a small force of Persian troops from a near-by camp and installed themselves in it.

According to an unofficial report a large body of Persian cavalry subsequently joined the Turkish invaders, and the combined force is said to be threatening the town of Urumiah, twelve miles west of Lake Urumiah and sixty-four miles from Tabriz.

Urumiah, which has a population estimated at between 30,000 and 50,000, including many Christians, is noted as a centre of missionary activity, and is the seat of the Fiske Seminary for Girls and of Urumiah College.

It is considered probable that Russia and Great Britain will be appealed to and will bring pressure to bear upon Turkey with a view to stopping the raid.

...I lost family there grandmother was 11 and had to hide in the hills at times forced to drink her own urine, her father was murderd as her mother nearly was..that doesn`t make me want to kill any children today. But then I`m not Christian.


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