Posted by
- Sunday, June 27 2004, 16:36:21 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
You know when you wuz a kid and there were Captain America secred decoder rings in Cracker Jacks...and you could read secret messages? Well Dooz still writes in code...only I can read it...like the following... Assyrian national Security (new developments 1) Posted By: Doozoota (Sherbrooke-HSE-ppp3608162.sympatico.ca) Date: Sunday, 27 June 2004, at 8:17 a.m. Upon request and suggestion of many Assyrians, Dr. Ashur Moradkhan began contacting all the active Assyrian Political entities in diaspora in order to discuss and seek their opinion, and/ or support in the creation of the overdue Assyrian national leadership and the Assyrian National Security. ...this really means that since no one responded the best way to keep this turkey afloat was to just come out and say what you wanted to happen...happened. No Assyrians got together and burned down the wires calling this dentist about anything...but what can they do? Either they lie or another TITTY scheme goes up in smoke. It`s one more attempt to snow people into thinking something mometeous is happening..in hopes the dummies will call quickly so they don`t get left out. Dr. Moradkhan reported yesterday that the main factions of the Assyrian Universal Alliance are in agreement with Dr. moradkhan's approach and plans and have advised that they would support and cooperate in order to achieve the overdue necessity of an Assyrian National Leadership. ...he didn`t "report"...he called someone. Even if such a thing happened, I mean one or two of them, who represent one or two people, agreed to such a thing...it`s all talk and will remain so. These people exhaust themselves talking and feel therefore they DID something. Dr. Moradkhan undertook to discuss this project with all the other Assyrian Political entities in diaspora and report back with their response. ...I don`t get it..the first paragraph says the same thing as this one..first he contacts all leaders, god help us, in diaspora, then he says they all agreed to whatever, now he says again the dentist "undertook to discuss" blah blah. The only conclusion to draw is that since he`s lying anyway, might as well repeat it..it might sound more true...or, he liked the sound of it so much the first time he decided to run it by again. Dr. Moradkhan confirmed the necessity of creating this overdue Assyrian National Leadership and Assyrian National Security from the Assyrian people democratically, by electing representatives using the voting system by all Assyrians and those elected into the Assyrian Parliament to elect the leadership. ...a totally meaningless gesture. This "parliament" would have no official status anywhere..being outside the country, who gives a shit? And what does he mean the dentist "confrimed the necessity..."? He STARTED out braying about the necessity...what did he have to "confirm"? I tell you, WORDS are so satisfying to these guys...they can`t get enough. For those of you who do not have access to Paltalk you can download it from http://support.paltalk.com. The discussion is continuous on Paltalk-By language Middle East-Assyrians for Assyria room. Dr Moradkhan is usually present to reply to any questions from 8:00-11:00 p.m. California time. ...Oh, I am SURE the "discussion is continuous"!!! ASSYRIA FOR ASSYRIANS without this DEATH TO IRAQ, QURDISTAN AND ANY BASTARD COUNTRY ON ASSYRIAN HOMELANDS NY ...ahh, there it is...I guess he heard I wuz tweaking him on having had enough of his wish come true...so naturally he wants to show that he`s as much of an "activist" as ever...honestly, and they wonder why no one wants to join TITTIES and play!!! --------------------- |
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