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=> HEY! Fucking Reilly!!!

HEY! Fucking Reilly!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 29 2004, 18:54:06 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...that liberal packed Supreme Court with all those screaming, law-breaking, dog-fornicating, child-molesting CHRISTIANS on it went and did it again..went and put a dent in your shorts and all you fuckers with your hidden agenda of gutting our CONSTITUTION so you can rape the land, sky, sea and us freely...behind your god..MONEY!

That screaming bunch of panty-waisted Left leaning, ignoramouses, put there mostly by Republicans, just went and upheld the CONSTITUTION and told YOUR GOD to go fuck himself and leave us alone.

The problem you boys have is that the judges you propose to fill the benches of America can barely read and write..though they know their Book Of Revelations backwards and forwards and up the that OUR fault?

Read em and weep some more. It isn`t that any of us like`s that we like our freedoms to remain intact, including the freedom to be WRONG...if your godamned church would stop fucking children maybe there`d be less interest in child corn porn.

High Court Upholds Block of Web Porn Law
(AP) - The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a law meant to punish pornographers who peddle dirty pictures to Web-surfing kids is probably an unconstitutional muzzle on free speech. The high court divided 5-to-4 over a law passed in 1998, signed by then-President Clinton and now backed by the Bush administration. The majority said a lower court was correct to block the law from taking effect because it likely violates the First Amendment.

..that`s the Supreme Court`s DUTY as spelled out in our CONSTITUTION, to REVIEW ALL LAWS no matter how fad-of-the-moment and "Popular" they may be...which protects assholes such as yourself from one day being the target of laws passed against people like you that would also be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is the function and purpose of our CONSTUTUTION as carefully spelled out by those other screaming liberal god-hating anarchists...Ben Franklin, James Madison, James Monroe, John Hancock, Geroge Washington, George Mason, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton...and the rest of those god-fearing men who drafted our CONSTITUTION, who had even MORE fear that god would get out of church, where he belongs..and come meddle in our government, where he DOESN`T belong...probably because they knew god was the ultimate smoke screen for scoundrels and rat bastards such as yourself.

Kiss my grits.


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