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=> HOORAY!!! Dead Christians!!!

HOORAY!!! Dead Christians!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 20 2004, 16:46:24 (CEST)
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Well it`s about TIME! But...this news is a little old`s a tale more than twice told..but .this time by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. But at least it points in the right direction...huh boys?

AINA: Terrorist Attacks on Assyrians Intensify

...keep in mind these are Christians..Iraqi-Christians. There isn`t anything "Assyrian" about them. They weren`t singled out for being Assyrian..that`s absurd...all Iraqis are Assyrians..the Christian religion does NOT make you an Assyrian..certainly not the ONLY Assyrians. They also weren`t attacked for being Christians..that`s equally absurd...Christians have been a part of Iraq since the beginning..indedd the Iraqis opened their borders and took in Christian refugees running for their lives from Iran. These people were singled out for what they DO...not for what they believe. Americans kill Americans, the Irish kill Irish...Mexicans kill Mexicans. Happens all over the world. To the boys, if you`re thrown in jail in a Muslim country it`s because you are ASSYRIAN CHRISTIAN..the fact that you`re also a thief doesn`t count with them...same with collaborators...only the boys expect collaborators to go unscathed while they work in the pay of those attacking Iraq illegally.

Posted By: AINA <> (
Date: Sunday, 20 June 2004, at 1:47 a.m.

Posted 06-20-2004 01:42:29 (GMT 6-20-2004 6:42:29)

On the morning of June 7th a civilian sedan containing four masked men drove into the Christian Assyrian Quarters (Hay Al-Athuryeen) of the Dora district of Baghdad, where the masked men opened fire on Assyrians on their way to work. neglect to mention what kind of work. The article you lifted this from mentions the Christians were working for the Americans. What do you suppose would happen to Muslim Americans working for Libya if it occupied Manhattan and killed innocent American Christians? Are you daft?

Four locals were killed and several others seriously wounded. The three men and one woman who were murdered were identified by the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ADM) as Isho Nissan Markus, Youkhana, Duraid Sabri Hanna, Hisham Umar, and Ramziya Enwiya (female). On the same day and in the same district, at approximately 5 P.M. another drive by shooting occurred, targeting Assyrians returning from work, mostly with the Coalition Provisional Authority. Three women, Alice Aramayis, Ayda Petros Bakus and Muna Jalal Karim, were shot and killed, along with their driver.

...good of you to give the reason. Collaborators are traitors..and they can expect to be summarily shot. Had the British caught George Washington they would have hanged him from the nearest trial and no firing squad either...just a rope`s end, the most ignominious sort of death of all.

...there is nothing surprising or newsworthy in this...except to say they asked for it. Stop and think a little bit. You do your case more harm than good for the rest of us know why they were killed and you playing stupid doesn`t help your new look.

This incident is the latest in a series of crimes and acts of terror and intimidation against the Christian Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) of Iraq since the liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein.

...and in all the time Saddam was in power there was never such an incident..or you`d have told us about it. Christians in Iraq went about their owning liquor stores, in saftey..something they can`t do now. And this isn`t terror..stop being SUCH a kiss ass. You knew damn well the Christians of Iraq would pay for this Christian war..don`t act so surprised.

On March 22nd an elderly Assyrian couple, Ameejon and Jewded Barama, was brutally murdered in the district of Dora; the husband's throat was slashed in the same manner as Nicholas Berg, and the wife was repeatedly struck on the head with a blunt instrument.

...Majdolin wasn`t attacked nicely...her one child was killed outright, the baby in her womb was ripped apart and she was blinded..yet you have never seen fit to arouse tears or indignation over this murder..why? Is it because they were attacked and killed by Christians?

...besides, ask Aprim..unfortunate things happen in wartime, he knows. There are lots of brutal murders committed every day...this couple could have been singled out for other reasons..remember your Christian American heroes kill 11,000 of their own people with handguns every year...crime is crime. Calm down.

In the southern city of Basra, on December 24th, 2003 Bashir Toma Elias was killed by a single gun shot to the head, as he prepared to head home for Christmas celebration with his wife and five children. On November 18, 2003 Mr. Sargon Nano Murado, the ADM representative in Basra was assassinated. In North Iraq, the Assyrian mayor of the Telkepeh district, Wathah Gorgis, survived an assassination attempt on January 24, 2004. On October 7th, 2003 Mr. Safa Sabah Khoshi, owner of a liquor store in Mosul, was shot and killed in his store, and his brother, Meyaser Karim Khoshi, was severely injured in the attack.

...and do you seriously contend that the Christian countries of Britain and America did NOT single out Muslims for mass retaliation after 9/11? Have no Muslim children been the victims, the innocent victims, of any Christian "policy"? One announced to the entire world as "acceptable" even when it was pointed out that 5000 children a month would be killed as a result of Christian imposed Sanctions? Is this news you`re offering or hysteria mongering?

For the Assyrians, liberation has not brought the level of security they had hoped for.

...bullshit. They knew goddamn well from their past experience that the war would be a disaster...knew it well. So did you no matter how cheerful and bright your Front. This was the day you all waited for..the day when retaliation and righteous indignation at Christians they couldn`t get their hands on, would be played out against the Christians close at knew it well and these breathless news reports of yours are intended to win hearts and minds so maybe someone will finally put you all in a cage for small apes in any zoo.

Instead, it shifted the politically motivated losses caused by the Saddam Regime to the more dangerous religiously motivated crimes.

...they are only religiously motivated because YOU assholes have always "hoped" that Christians would feel something special for you because you`re Christians too. If Buddhists came to attack Iraq you`d have no reason at all to "hope" they`d give you anything..but since the Westerners are the same RELIGION as you and in spite of how many times they`ve used you and flushed you in the past, you STILL go running at their heels hoping that THIS time you`ll get what you deserve..and each time you get JUST what you deserve, you get all shocked and surprised. When have traitors EVER been rewarded?

(AINA report). Of special concern to Assyrians and their community leaders is the nature of these attacks, the overwhelming majority of which have been religiously motivated. Often these attacks are accompanied by notes demanding that the Christian Assyrians follow the rules Islam or face the consequences.

...does that really surprise you? The attack on New York brought every religious nut to the forefornt in America with Pat Robertson saying that the attacks were the work of God for America`s liberal wantoness, or something. The war on Iraq was bound to inflame you knew and Bush knew it would..each of you thinking to benefit...Bush from the excuse to rob the Treasury some more..and you from the retaliation you now decry against Christians in you could arouse pity in Christian hearts..the same hearts that can starve children to death..good luck.

This has created an atmosphere of fear in the Assyrian community, not so different, ironically, from the fear they felt under Saddam's regime, though the nature of it is different. Saddam Hussein ruthlessly suppressed any expression of national or ethnic identity, and by and large did not concern himself with religious issues.

...he suppressed your churches teaching that Iraq belongs to a Christian any government would anywhere. Christians were safe under Saddam so long as they didn`t use their RELIGION as the absurd basis for land claims. Tariq Azziz and Dr Donny George are only two Christians of many who worked high up in government...and there were lots of Christian¡s doing just fine..but to you these people are traitors to your wild hair notion that Iraq is yours because you are Christians...their loyalty is to the nation that they live in that exists before their eyes...Iraq..not your harebrained notion of a revived Assyria.

With the removal of Saddam, Assyrians -- whose population in Iraq out-numbers the national individual populations of Kuwait, Qatar, Cyprus, and UAE -- have finally succeeded in asserting their unique ethnic and cultural identity, and have been active participants in the political process, yet, in an ironic flip-flop, now they find their religious institution under attack by Islamists.

..all bullshit. They have done none of those things..they, like other Iraqis are looking for clean water and the medicine to save their children`s lives that were plentuful when Saddam was there but can`t be found after a year of "Liberation" There isn`t anything unique about you are a religious minority whose priests dreamed up an Assyrian front you all dress up in political clothes and play doll with. You are active in nothing except whining and trying to get the Christians of Iraq killed some you can come back with these breathless hot flashes.

The Reverend Ken Joseph

…is a putz of the first water.

, an Assyrian Evangelist currently based in Baghdad, reports that applications for baptismal records have soared in recent weeks. He quotes an Assyrian deacon saying, "We have been flooded with parishioners desperate to leave the country and as they cannot get an exit permit without a Baptismal Certificate from the Church we have been swamped with requests." The Assyrians did not expect the liberation of Iraq to precipitate an exodus from their ancestral lands, yet this is the effect to date of the liberation of Iraq combined with unchecked Islamic aggression.

...of course they knew it YOU all ran from Iraq, these people now want out to..what`s so startling about that? The Christian presence in Iraq is over with and it`s about time. I don`t understand why they`ve been so patient and forgiving. American Muslims have done nothing to America yet they have to get special permission to call the faithful to prayer. After the number of times you people have worked for any Christian nation attacking expect to be LIKED?

Assyrians are the only indigenous group of Iraq; they are also Christians, are ethnically distinct, and their language is neo-Syriac (modern Aramaic). are nothing of the kind. You are a Christian minority pissed as hell because most Assyrians converted to Islam and built the glorious Islamic Empire that saw Baghad become the leading city of its time...while you Christians ran barefoot to China and hid in mud huts. This is merely revenge against your own you turn against family members who dare marry for love..outisde the religion. You are all and merely and ONLY a religious sect fractured into a zillion denominations each of whom looks to add some lustre to its pathetic status in the MidEast by claiming direct descent, no less, from people of 4000 years ago who knew neither Christ nor Muhammad.

As such, they see themselves as the litmus test of any democracy that is established in Iraq, which must guarantee, above and beyond reasonable expectations, their ethnic, religious and cultural rights.

...demiocracies don`t do that anywhere on earth. a democracy simply means "Majority Rule"...that`s all. If the majority feels like giving anyone rights, they can do it..if they don`t feel like it, tough shit. Move to Chicago. Minorities in America fought long and hard and legally for years to win a few rights that were supposedly promised by the Constitution..and those are slipping away from us..because this IS a democracy. Just what made you think democracy in Iraq would be what no democracy has EVER been, anywhere on earth? What made you think a majority of Muslims would reward you for your treachery by giving you anything? Where do you come off demanding anything of anyone..let alone Muslims?

…Can you get laid as easily as you demand a triangle? Does the dog-catcher in your town listen to your proves? Run along with you back to mama`s kitchen where you can demand meatballs all you want to.

...You have the right to be treated as all Iraqi citizens are and you have the same obligations. America is a Christian country yet not even Christian Mormons could practice polygamy...even though their Prophet told them to...for the Law of the Land trumps religious beliefs every`s no different in an Iraq that is predominantly Muslim, ESPECIALLY now that Bush has ensured that extremists will rise up in power and influence...where you and everyone else will be expected to abide by the Law of THAT land. What`s so surprising in that?

This has not happened to date, as the Transitional Administrative Law (English, Arabic), while making some historic concessions with regard to Assyrians, also declared Islam as the official religion of the Iraqi State. An Assyrian in Iraq, Robert, said, "We love the Americans! We are so grateful for them removing Saddam and giving us back our freedom. We do not want their effort to be a failure if the dictatorship of Saddam is replaced by the dictatorship of Islam." was not a freely elected government in America that waged this war...shit happens. What you want or think you deserve counts for nothing anywhere but in the kitchen..I doubt you get your demands met in the bedroom people are so accustomed to making airy fairy demands of each other and to the thin air, and this one and that one that you actually think that`s all it takes to be given what you ask for. Ask till you turn blue in the face...all you`ve accomplished, AGAIN, is to make Christians even more odious to Muslims and when the Americans leave and the British leave...those Christians stuck back there will pay the price for a long time to was in the cards and you knew it. Your strategy now is to try to act stunned and surprised and then “disappointed” that democracy isn`t what YOU demand it to be, that it won`t guarantee a Christian minority`s "rights" to all it thinks it has coming to it...otherwise it isn`t a "true" you understand these things or how the world works because you can fiddle with computer programs. You`ve got your hopes pinned on raising the pity of the Christian world so maybe they`ll stir up a hornet`s over you by doing what? seizing Iraqi lands by force and handing them over to you? Are you crazy?

no…you`re a professional opportunist.


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