I Guess Kissing Ass Is His Forte |
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- Monday, June 28 2004, 19:15:28 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Re: Population Comparison According to Yousuf Malek Written by Fred Aprim on 28 Jun 2004 04:47:22: As an answer to: Re: Population Comparison According to Yousuf Malek written by Tiglath on 28 Jun 2004 04:28:35: I am not missing anything. ...oh yeah? When the kurds claim that they are 40 or 45 millions while they are in reality 20 or 25 millions worldwide, they are indeed inflating their numbers in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Georgia, and the rest of Europe. Meanwhile, Assyrians (that include most of the Syriac-speaking Christians of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Georgia, Russia, Armenia, United States, Europe, Australia, South America) are not 4 milion but perhaps double that figure. We are hardly inflating our figures. We simply do not know. ...no...you`re all there alright. The whole point is no one knows...so just stop there...the rest is your looniness. When have you people EVER underestimated yourselves? For people who claim direct descent from the Assyrians to now say they don`t "inflate" anything is...well, it`s just like you, you nubbins. We will know when Assyria is on the world map and all Assyrians will begin to re-appear, just as the Jewish example. ...Assyria will never be on a modern map...The Jews are where they are because lands was stolen for them by someone else...they were GIVEN nothing by Palestinians except the right to abide by Palestinian law...unless you can get someone to also steal land for you...no Iraqi national is going to give you a fucking thing. Do not tell us that Assyrians are divided and some do not claim to be Assyrians and all that. ...no one said that...you are NOT Assyrians in any meaningful sense of the word..you are not pure and undiluted descendants of the ancients...that`s clear enough and a preposterous claim to make..that`s the reason no one even bothers to challenge it...it`s just too dumb. We`re saying that all sorts of people have a common bond to the ancient people of BetNahrain only some of whom were Assyrian and even THEY weren`t pure anything! The rest of the people, if asked, will admit they share a common ancestry with the ancients but NO ONE, besides you Christians, is fool enough to insist they are the DIRECT and then the ONLY descendants of the Assyrians but not of the Chaldeans, Babylonians, Amorites, Hurrians etc. That is absurd...so, no wonder it`s become your passion...you are an absurdly passionate man with no reason to be. Kurds of Turkey, for example, do not agree with kurds of Iraq; in fact they fight and kill each other. In fact tribal kurds in Iraq itself kill each others and the 1996 example is still afresh in our memory. ..."Assyrians" of Chicago do not agree with "Assyrians" of Ceres..."Assyrians of America are advocating killing the "Assyrians" of Iraq...Christians of France killed other Christians of France...Christians of Germany killed Christians of England...Americans of America killed Americans of America...this proves NOTHING! Fred > --------------------- |
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