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=> I`ll Rub You If You Rub Me

I`ll Rub You If You Rub Me
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 18 2004, 17:31:11 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..and if we rub each other hard enough we`ll get a triangle.

This fellow is congratulating the other fellow for making a good case for a triangle.. Talk about preaching to the choir. Can you imagine the argument the Seminole Natives have to make? They have in their possession a treaty signed by the United States government turning over Florida to them..and they`ve never gotten anywhere.

Imagine trying to get SOMEONE to give you land you claim because of your you claim belonged to your ancestors and not to any Muslims..again all based on religion..when those ancestors never heard of either of you..and you have no deed or treaty..and the claim is over 2000 years old.

Of COURSE they like any argument that proooves to them they have what they`re only too eager to see as a legitimate claim...and you can bet that the more they like the argument, the sillier and ditzier it must be.

But again..they know damn well they`ll get nothing..they want dead Christians so they can get enough pity so maybe someone will put them in a cage..where they really DO belong..and call THAT "Assyria".


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Fantastic article by Ashur Giwargis on Assyrian Triangle

Posted By: Bur Hawil (
Date: Friday, 18 June 2004, at 9:38 a.m.

Dear Ashur,

Shlami wi iqari. Your article at
has won my heart. I read Kassim Sarhan's article yesterday and felt this time he did not write well about Assyrians as he usually does. But to see you respond to him so vigorously and promptly in depth is very gratifying and informative for non Assyrians too. Highly useful article. Thank you very much. God Bless

Bur Hawil

.."usefull" for what? To deliver to the United Nations? To take someone to court over? The United States is going to seriously countenance this sort of prooof when they know damn well they stole their own country from the Native Americans a mere three centuries ago...and they`re going to recognize as "legitimate" a letter that says the boys own the land...because they claim to have lived there 4000 years ago?

...For what is this article "useful"...I mean besides that?


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