If Germany Had The War... |
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- Monday, June 28 2004, 21:03:56 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...what German would have believed his country was guilty of the grossest Human Rights Violations the world has seen..even from Christians? Would there have been trials at Neuremburg..or would the people tried, found guilty and imprisoned or hanged have not become heroes and statesmen later? There are plenty of Americans who are appalled by what this administration has done..but the administration has its friends and though they still talk about a liberal media it`s clear who owns what...the rest of us don`t exist..we`ve been virtually disappeared...to make it seem like Americans are killing with one accord. And if there`s justice at all in ther world...and there is...one day Colin Powell, Condi Rice and the rest of them will go down in history as the biggest Equal Opportunity Mass Murders in ever and people the world over and in America, hopefully, will be as ashamed of them as the Germans are of their record. All Bush needs now is for some of those prisoners held at Guantanamo, illegally...so what else is new in the the New World Order...who have been denied basic rights and been subjected to what we saw only a bit of in Iraqi prisons run by Americans..will now get out and be so fucking furious there won`t be a crime they might not contemplate, doesn`t everyone seek revenge these days...and guess how we`ll react then? Who will remember the injustice and cruelty visited on them? Who cares to think about what America and Israel have done to Palestinians to drive them insane with grief, frustration and rage...instead it will be..." we TOLD you these people are all JUST LIKE THAT and we should have been allowed by the Surpreme Court to detain indefinitely ANYONE we need to...in order to PROTECT YOU ALL: SEE...he got out and did just what we warned he would...see? This is what passes for "thinking" these days. --------------------- |
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