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=> In Which Hanna Starts To Grow Up...slowly

In Which Hanna Starts To Grow Up...slowly
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, July 6 2004, 0:52:44 (CEST)
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...growing up any faster, when you start out at the depths he`s at can give you the bends from severe decompression..he`ll have to come for air slowly..but we should all encourage him.

Re: Christian Greeks and Christian Assyrians


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Hanna Hajjar on 05 Jul 2004 21:13:31:

As an answer to: Re: Christian Greeks and Christian Assyrians written by Assyrian on 05 Jul 2004 20:44:17:

Let's keep this conversation civilized, and refrain from calling names.

...wonderful suggestion.

It is true that most of those who call themselves Assyrians are Christians, but let's not forget that many Assyrians have converted to Islam through the past 1400 years, (just like many Assyrians converted to Chroistianity earleir). Although those who converted to Islam have been Arabized, Kurdified or Turkified, but if they want to identify themselves as Assyrians then they are more than welcome to do so. you say, those who converted to Islam were Turkified etc. It also stands to polite reason that those who have converted to Christianity have been Jewishfried...or something. The truth is NONE of us know what a purely Assyrian Heritage is..and as they can`t ask you to stop being a Jew at can`t ask them to stop being Turk or Kurd or anything else. The bare truth is that NO ONE is in any position to demand anything of anyone else..peace and accord will not come that way.

...when you say they are all welcome to "identify themselves as Assyrians"..they know what you mean..I know what you mean. You mean they have to become practically Jewish..adopt YOUR Jew inspired "culture" and settle for that as "Assyrian"..that is patently absurd. You do not hear us saying you must become Iraqi to be Assyrian..that you can`t be influenced by Syrian culture..or Persian or else you are no Assyrian. Assyrians can be whatever they want to isn`t for Christians to tell Muslims anything.

The point is that they can't claim two ethnicities at the smae time,

..nobody is. There is one ethnicity and it is as complex these days as it was back then when no one was pure anything...Babel, remember? If there is an Assyrian ethnicity it certainly isn`t Christian or Muslim..we`ll just have to build it from scratch...I think Assyrian monuments would play a big part..don`t you? I don`t recall any Muslims or Turks stopping the Shumirum or threatening to blow up the Ashurbanipal..that was the work of devout Christians...why don`t you people stop getting in the way of Assyrians?

and stick with it. and in order to be accepted as Assyrians they have to start calling themselves "Assyrians" and start promoting Assyrian culture and language (note I did not mention religion, because I beleive that religion is the relation between a person and God),

..that`s good of you but you`ve already made it abundantly clear that they all have to accept a Christian DEFINITION of what an Assyrian is..and that is unacceptable to me, let alone Muslims. They do not want..they do not need YOUR acceptance..seems to me you, as Christian Assyrians, are in the position of making yourselves acceptable.

they can remain Moslems and be Assyrians at the same time, but they can't be an Arab and an Assyrian (or a Kurd and an Assyrian) sumultaniously.

...they are as influenced by Arab and Kurd culture as you are by Jewish culture and American culture and English culture and Swedish culture and Australian culture....they can be whatever they want to be influenced by..Iraq is a free country not subject to your is not necesary for them to stamp "Assyrian" on their forehead, or have it tatooed on their butts for them to respect all the people and preserve and protect the land..which they were doing all along...if you people will not bomb their water facilities and leave their children to die in filth, denied medicines that were abundant before..they won`t have to damn any historical sites..which they, more than you, more than anyone..have labored long and hard to the delight of the entire world.

In fact we need Assyrian Moslems on our side, because Assyria is in the midst of a Moslem world, and by having Moslem Assyrians that is how the Assyrian Triangle will be acceptable to its Moslem neighbors.

...Assyrian Muslims needed you on THEIR side when their children were being starved..they needed you to speak out, as so-called Christians if nothing else, against this war declared against children..they needed you to back UN resolutions calling for inspections and dialogue and they needed you to ask the United States to apologize and get the fuck out of their country when they found nothing to justify their war...they got no support from you...quite the opposite actually...and you want THEIR support?

..your Christian triangle will never be acceptable..the only thing acceptable and expected of you was for you to join your energies to the many Assyrian Christians did...without regard to these assinine demands your church set you up to make on behalf of a Jew carpenter and his reps on earth.

Think wisely and think long term.

...follow your own advice and stay away from vaginal canals, unless you`re a prophet (?).

Hanna Hajjar
they have to choose one

...they don`t have to do a goddamned thing except get you fucking Christians out of their are unfit to use the Assyrian name to cover your Christian is for YOU to apologize...not any Iraqi.


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