In Which WM the DM shows why fish is lacking |
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- Saturday, July 3 2004, 17:56:53 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...lacking in his diet and that blood is no substitute as brain food. ...let me guess...somewhere in all of this razzle dazzle Tiglath`s parents will get it again... Hanna; I would also like to add that David claims because of few old Testament sentences he has abondaned his Christianty. Seems like he care more about words than actual cruelties during 1400 years by David's soul brothers against the Assyrians. ...this is Bush 101...if you dare criticize or think in a new vein, you are suddenly a traitor and an enemy. In the curch madrassahs where the boys picked up this "history", they would have been subjected to the same treatment they`re dishing out to Tiglath by the priests if, like Tiglath, they dared raise any questions...big would expect them to attack anyone who questions...look what they did to Giordano Bruno and he was a devout Christian! Here are just few examples of them. you have any idea how many horror stories the Muslims have to tell about what Christians did to you have any idea what Jews could tell you about Christian cruelty? What is the point of rubbing your wounds raw like this? Every bastard in your religion can be matched by a bastard in every other religion or no religion. No one, absolutely NO ONE is excusing or condoning keep bringing up 1345 as if things haven`t changed since then..and they never will so long as you live in the past. The fact that Muslims forgave you Christians at all and didn`t throw you all out after the Levies..or that they took you in in the first place when you were running for your lives, speaks far more of present possibilities and the chance for growth than your constantly digging the scabs off your wounds and using the blood that oozed out in 1423 as an excuse to demand more blood today and tomorrow. The “Pact of Umar” drawn up during the rule of Umar b. Abd al-Aziz (717-20) set the stage for the treatment of the dihimmis in the future. The none Moslems were: •Not to build Churches or monasteries in the cities or vicinity. •They were obliged to keep their doors open for the passer byers and traverlers and provide three days food and lodging to any Moslem passing their way. I wonder how David would like to be forced to have his home open to all kinds of filty strangers who would enter his house to do whtever they want and expect to be fed and bedded at any time of day or night? ..Tiglath wouldn`t like to have his country invaded, his door kicked in and his family dragged off to prison..there was no justification for an attack on Iraq in the first Iraqi would want his children starved to death or ever starved to death the children of Christians to the tune of 500, simply choose to ignore all the manifest crimes of Christianity and instead present only those of the other side and at that, ones from ages ago...The French Catholics forced these same and worse indignities on French Protestants during the Albigensian Purge..and they were all CHRISTIANS! •Not to hold public religious services. ...On pain of death Protestants were ordered to not pray while Catholics were at it..and when Protestants dominated they turned around and forbade Caholic sevices, especially the ringing of bells, during their services and these were ALL CHRISTIANS! •Not to prevent their kins from converting to Islam. ,..better that than change your name and humiliate them in public if they love a Muslim. Any coverts to Protestantism could be jailed and killed and later any Catholic in a Protestant country could be hanged and jailed and the children of BOTH were seized by the other and on and on. •To show respect for Moslims by giving their seat to any Moslem requesting it. ...White Christians forced Black Christians to do the same...Catholic Christians killed 10,000 Protestant Christians in ONE night in France, for which their head Mullah, the pope, had all the bells of St Peter`s ring throught the day and gave thanks to his bloody god for the "Holy" murders...Christians cooked and ate 6 million Jews and made lampshades from their skin, pillows from their hair and soap from their body fat and that was barely 60 years what does all this prove...that people never change? •Not to display the cross or their books in the streets and marketplace. ..Protestants raided Catholic churches and defaced and stoloe and burned all geegaws and gimcracks and forbade each other`s inginias and trappings..and these were ALL Christians. •Not to raise their voices during their church services, during the funeral procession, or where they will be heard by Moslims. ...Catholic Christians ordered Protestant Christians to observe all these and more, signs of "respect" for Christianity and they were ALL Christians! ...Catholics were forbidden to ring their bells by Protestants, on pain of death...BELLS!!! •They were frobidened from riding on saddle, wear sword, bear any weapon or carry them ...Christian white Americans demanded all this of Christian Black Americans plus getting off the sidewalk when a white came by, drinking from a separate water fountain, not playing in a park where whites were, not swimming in the same water as whiltes, forced into inferior schools, living in ghettos and the worst parts of town, not being able to vote or testify in court against a white..and these were all done barely 100 years ago and they were done to Christians by Christians..that`s of course after millions of Africans were kidnapped and sold to slavery and their wives raped and bred like cattle and those children sold off like livestock and subject to anything anyone wanted to do to them with no protection under the law AND with blessings rained down from every Christian pulpit in the land for this travesty..and that was still happening 150 years ago. So what does this all prove? That people do bad things? So what..the point is to move on..not remain backwards in your minds...none of what you claimed happened, that you got from Syriac manuscripts, justifies any of the violence and mayhem being done to innocent Muslims RIGHT you Christians. •They had to clip the foreflocks of their head to be easily recognized as none Moslim. (Ibn Warraq, “Why I Am Not A Moslem” p.230) These opressive measures contiued throughout centuries in one form or another. what? Jews had to wear a Star of David so the Christians knew which people to round up for extermination....did Muslims run Aushwitz, or did Christians? Kalip Mansur (754-75) odered that all christians should be branded on their neck, forehead, hands, chest, or shoulders. A syriac chronicle of the eight century states that the unscrupulous and greedy tax collevtors exploited the people by “[d]emanding more than the legal dues; they imprisoned and tortured their victims. Shopkeepers fled into the villages, and markets were deserted. Villages were not only at the mercy of the representatives of the government but also of their own chiefs, to whom the collection of the capitation tax had been farmed out. Not even the poorest were spared;..” (Segal, Edessa ‘The Blessed City’ p.197) ...the Holy Inquisition did worse...the most Christian Nazis put a star on all Jews and they treated them far worse in their camps than any Christian was ever treated on the streets of Baghdad. Often creative methods were found to flees the populace. For example a certain eight century Razin would arrest and judge a poorman and if he was not able to pay the required fines he was sent to the public square along with two policemen and was required to find a well to do person and tell him: “Act as surety for me”. When that was done he would run away and the guards would arrest the other man take him to the Governor where he was ordered to pay the surety fine for the escapee. Failling to comply the unsuspecting detainee legs were shackled with torture instruments which could be tightend until his legs were broken. (ibid p.198) ...Christian Nazis pulled the gold teeth out of Jew corpses they gassed to death...they stole their wealth but gave Jew children teddy bears to hold onto in the "showers"...I guess that was "kinder and gentler" of them....or they just wanted to keep the children distracted, long enough to murder them. ...The tricks the Church came up with to fleece Jews are legendary, including cancelling all debts owed to Jews by Christians, placing onerous taxes on them, giving them 24 hours to dispose of all their wealth, if not simply seizing it and forcing them to leave the country on pain of death..then there were the Jew children taken from their parents to be raised Christian... forced conversions of entire Jew populations for which the church created the Inquisition to come back and torture the converts years later because the church suspected they weren`t "sincere"...and of course stole their wealth again..then there was a boatload of Jews wandering the oceans looking for a safe port but was turned back by every Christian country till it wound up back in Germany where all the Jews on it, unwelcome anywhere on earth, were put to death..not to mention the entire Holocaust which has no precedent anywhere in history and isn`t even a hundred years old yet. So what? When the eight century Abd al-Alah administrator of Edessa was interested in owning certain villages he multiplied the burden of their taxes to a point that the villagers were obliged to sell them to him at a very low price. To drive the Christians out of Edessa and settle members of his own tribe he ordered that they should be lodged in the christians homes. When a great number of the Christians came to complain to him about the outrage he replied: “What have you to complain of, Christians? ..that happened to Jews repeatedly only they weren`t allowed to own land or live anywhere but in filthy disease ridden ghettos where they could be kept on a tight leash and their property was repeatedly stolen from them for over 1500 years of torture and torment by the Christian church and its followers till finally they tried to kill them all...and are now preparing to do the same to Muslims, with your blessings and hard-ons. From the time of the Romans you have devoured this land while our ancestroers wandered int he arid desert, in the cold and heat that dries and burns, pasruing their cattle or sheep. Now that we have conquered thei land from the Romans with our sword, why do you make trouble instead of leaving it to us and removing yoursleves from it. Arise, and leave my presence; endure your situation. Pay the tribute and remain in peace!” (Ibid p.198) ..the same thing Christians told Jews, only they added that Jews killed Jesus when it was the Romans who did it and used that pretext to murder and hound them for 1500 you are using this "history" as a justification to have Muslims robbed, killed and their lands self-automated away from them..all you`re proving is that you`re as potentially rotten as the people you`re complaining of..which is our point excactly...both sides, all sides, have these reprehensible things to their credit, you merely wish to go on and on, using past crimes against you as justification to commit, through remote control, new crimes against others...who will then commit them against you, they can`t afford a remote device yet, so it will be "hands on" and plain as day. Abu Shaikh Ganawaya who built the walls of Edessa in 814 at the expence of the wealthy Edessan also loged his fellow-tribesmen into Edessa to occupy the houses of Christians. The “Pact of Umar” drawn up during the rule of Umar b. Abd al-Aziz (717-20) set the stage for the treatment of the dihimmis in the future. The none Moslems were: •Not to build Churches or monasteries in the cities or vicinity. ...Catholics denied Protestants many of these same things and when they could Protestants turned around and denied Catholics..denied the building of Christian churches, of Christian prayers, or Christian bells, of Christian trappings and idols and finery, or Christian rites and sacraments and they were ALL Christians torturing and abusing each other. •They were obliged to keep their doors open for the passer byers and traverlers and provide three days food and lodging to any Moslem passing their way. •Not to hold public religious services. •Not to prevent their kins from converting to Islam. •To show respect for Moslims by giving their seat to any Moslem requesting it. •Not to display the cross or their books in the streets and marketplace. •Not to raise their voices during their church services, during the funeral procession, or where they will be heard by Moslims. •They were frobidened from riding on saddle, wear sword, bear any weapon or carry them. •They had to clip the foreflocks of their head to be easily recognized as none Moslim. (Ibn Warraq, “Why I Am Not A Moslem” p.230) These opressive measures contiued throughout centuries in one form or another. Kalip Mansur (754-75) odered that all christians should be branded on their neck, forehead, hands, chest, or shoulders. A syriac chronicle of the eight century states that the unscrupulous and greedy exploited the people by “[d]emanding more than the legal dues; they imprisoned and tortured their victims. Shopkeepers fled into the villages, and markets were deserted. Villages were not only at the mercy of the representatives of the government but also of their own chiefs, to whom the collection of the capitation tax had been farmed out. Not even the poorest were spared;..” (Segal, Edessa ‘The Blessed City’ p.197) Often creative methods were found to flees the populace. For example a certain eight century Razin would arrest and judge a poorman and if he was not able to pay the required fines he was sent to the public square along with two policemen and was required to find a well to do person and tell him: “Act as surety for me”. When that was done he would run away and the guards would arrest the otherman take him to the Governor where he was ordered to pay the surety fine for the escapee. Failling to comply the unsuspecting detainee legs were shackled with torture instruments which could be tightend until his legs were broken. (ibid p.198) When the eight century Abd al-Alah administrator of Edessa was interested in owning certain villages he multiplied the burden of their taxes to a point that the villagers were obliged to sell them to him at a very low price. To drive the Christians out of Edessa and settle members of his own tribe he ordered that they should be lodged in the christians homes. When a great number of the Christians came to complain to him about the outrage he replied: “What have you to complain of, Christians? From the time of the Romans you have devoured this land while our ancestroers wandered int he arid desert, in the cold and heat that dries and burns, pasruing their cattle or sheep. Now that we have conquered thei land from the Romans with our sword, why do you make trouble instead of leaving it to us and removing yoursleves from it. Arise, and leave my presence; endure your situation. Pay the tribute and remain in peace!” (Ibid p.198) Abu Shaikh Ganawaya who built the walls of Edessa in 814 at the expence of the wealthy Edessan also loged his fellow-tribesmen into Edessa to occupy the houses of Christians. The Caliph Al Ma’mun finnally revoked such practices by forbiding the Arabs and Persians from harming the Chrisitans but after his death the pracice continued. they say...we`ve heard it all before... Often the agitated Moslim crowds rioted and destryed churches and monasteries. In 884 the convent of Kalish in Baghdad was destroyed, its gold and silver vessels were plundered and the wood of the building was sold. This was only the begining of thousands similar episods. ...Christians attacked the Moors of Spain and ruined their treasures and drove them out of THEIR country..happens all the Christian Catholics rioted and destroyed Protestant homes and churches..and Protestant Christians rioted and tore down all Catholic finery and geegaws in Catholic churches and they took turns killing and jailing and burning and hanging and drawing and quaterering each other and stealing each others children with the blessings of their Mullahs and on and on and we`re talking about Christians doing this to Christians. The list of such atrocities goes on for 1400 years but it does not matter to David. matters to all of us..matters very much. That`s why we`re spending the time and effort and enduring your cheap shots aimed at us and our families. It would seem it matters little to you, for you would encourage acts that are certain to bring revenge down on the heads of the few Christians remaining while we`re trying to reach across this bloody past we ALL share and try to work to a common ground..but one in which we recognize we, as Christians, have the weakest hand and we will NOT hide behind the brutal strength of the Pentagon to increase our chances for that will yet again bring down more wrath on the heads of the innocent Christians of Iraq...whom you seem to wish to use as pawns, not to get any triangles but to prove to the world that 1356 is still with us so we have to go on killing and killing. Although David pretends to be an Assyirans he seem to love their persecuters even more. ...What the fuck do you mean "pretends"? Every one who knows him knows he is as committed an Assyrian as can who went all the way back home and refused your Jew religion...I`m the only one of you Christians who`s produced anything purely Assyrian and you`ve called me too an enema of Assyrians..what the hell are you talking about? When has Tiglath ever implied he loved ANY persecutors? It is YOU who kiss the asses of the Christians now persecuting our people in is YOU who wished for the war and before that for increased Sanctions even though the whole world knew the Sanctions were starving to death 5000 children a month, many of them Christians, to the tune of 500,000 over 13 leisurely all the long litany of past crimes against humanity you haven`t mentioned ONE instance in which any Muslim country claimed this as an "acceptable policy"..not ONCE. This has been reserved for you Christians..the same Christians who killed one and half million innocent Jewish children only 60 years ago...and you fail, of course to mention`re so focused on that scab of yours you want to peel you can draw a little blood in the marketplace and maybe beg a triangle. ...Tiglath and many others are saying there wil be no end till we find a way of accomodating us all...but you people won`t allow that, are deahly afraid of it as afraid as when you hear a sister or brother is going to marry one of "them" and maybe raise children who will respect BOTH religions without wanting to kill one or the would hate and insult and torment and vilify those among your own people who wish to put the past behind them, stop reacting to others as if they were the monsters we ALL were yesterday and find common ground..because your churches, who taught you this "history"...would lose money by it..and that`s all this attempt to keep people at each other`s throats while piously praying to a Prince of Peace. You ain`t foolin anybody..not any more. More of us are getting wise to you boys and that`s why you all wind up bashing our parents and sliming our children...because you can`t argue with us on the merits so you seek to insult and hurt us so badly we`ll slink won`t work...Assyrian Assyrians are finding their voices and will increasingly do so and we will strive to heal this breach your religions on all sides have caused among us that`s brought brother to killing brother, brother denying sister and everyone gunning for everyone else`s "wrong" children. You are of the grave...we wish to live and we have people on all sides who feel the same way and all of them are being stifled and Stiffo`d by priests and mullahs and rabbis who all use boys like you, on all sides, as attack dogs. Your days of holding a monopoly on our Heritage are least in the Christian can`t put us back in a bottle, you can`t scare us away or insult us away and you sure as hell can`t confront us can only kill us. Wm warda --------------------- |
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