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=> In which Tiglath proooves Kurds Really are Assyrian

In which Tiglath proooves Kurds Really are Assyrian
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 22 2004, 17:20:54 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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This exchange is from beth...before Hanna kills it and goes back to Bishop Kaplan and his race gorse..let me add that it`s unfortunate thios particular Kurd turns out to be as unstable and unwilling to think outside the box as his counterparts on our side. Just to prove that he`s as stupid as any one of us, he completely misses Tiglath`s point. These boys..ALL of them, are the problem.-..Muslim, Christian, Jew, Kurd, Turk...none of that matters. Long before they knew which team they were on these boys were ALL stupid. That came first. But..not to lose hope...just as we have a Tiglath on our team...the Kurds have them is to them we speak and hold out a hand to...they can take it or leave...we`ll see.



Written by kurd on 22 Jun 2004 16:08:25:

As an answer to: Re: we are not assyrian written by Tiglath on 22 Jun 2004 15:42:24:

>>before saddam called us arabs
>>now assyrians call us assyrian
>>kurds are not assyrian
>>kurds are kurds
>>arabs are arabs
>>assyrians are assyrians
>>turkoman are turkoman
>>french are french

...Tiglath explains...

>My intention is not to insult....allow me to explain.
>You are descended from the ancient Sumerians,
>who later called themselves at Mesopotamia's zenith Assyrians,
>who later called themselves Babylonians,
>who later converted to Christianity and adopted Jewish culture,
>who later converted to Islam and have adopted Arab culture in central Iraq and a mixture of Assyrian, Turkish, Arabic and Persian culture in north Iraq, calling yourself Kurds.

>You see our problem is unlike the 200 year shallow history in the West we have had many names and many religions throughout our 5,000 year old history.
>We have only recently adopted a crude interpretation of nationalism and each sect and religion has adopted an ancient name and tribal name in a crude attempt to legitimise their sect and religion.
>I am proud of the Kurdish culture and want it to be a part of the beautiful mosaic that is Iraq. You should also be proud of our ancient ancestors' ancient history and culture and be proud that we as Assyrians can preserve it in Iraq. which the Kurd any Aprim would....

we are not sumerian
we are kurds. our fathers are medes
we are the persians.

we are not assyrian
we are not arab
we are not turkish
we are kurds

its not assyria. its kurdistan



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