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=> Insanity Inc.

Insanity Inc.
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, August 22 2004, 4:57:52 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...this is just too see how dangerous this stuff is...she isn't talking about don't this list of barbarisms to stimulate believe this way when you HATE!

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Re: The Passion of The Christ

Posted By: Blaine Littau <> (
Date: Saturday, 21 August 2004, at 9:40 p.m.

In Response To: The Passion of The Christ (Nineve)

After viewing this experience, I have realized that no matter how much the hard times try to win, I will always be a winner through Christ. Also, I have realized, that the next time I stub my toe, or hit my funny bone, or get a simple splinter in my finger, that picturing being whipped and beatin with tight leather and chains, and punched, and kicked, and spat on, and thorned in the skull, and pegged with stones, and yelled at, and laughed at, and punched in the face, and to top it off, pierced to a tree like an arrow in a target with 100,000 lbs of pressure holding it in; that my splinter will heal, my toe will quit hurting in seconds, and my funny bone is making me laugh afterall, NOTHING COMPARES TO THE PROMISE WE HAVE IN CHRIST THROUGH THE PAIN OF OUR SINS THAT STUMPED HIS TOE.

..."stumped"? Is that like being nailed to a crossed?


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