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=> "It`s No Longer Our War"

"It`s No Longer Our War"
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 23 2004, 22:39:01 (CEST)
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..a boy said that over at aina where boys play with fire...because they can`t get burned.

You have to understand..the boys hate Iraq, they hate Iraqis, they Hate Muslims..they hate especially the useless Christians still in Iraq who won`t join and Diaspora all over themselves but remain and work and do just fine thank you..they hate them more than anybody becaue their continued existence in Iraq..their advanced degrees and jobs and government positions and retirement benefits and the security they had...all of it give the lie to the boys..who come to America and put on their job applications, "Got Diaspored out of a great job and discriminated out of a degree...will you give me a job..for pity`s sake". That or get them they can be of some win hearts and minds...the kinds won over by corpses.

There was never any chance of their getting anything..they all knew it...but the chance to ACT like it could happen allowed them to play with each other`s see which tribe, which sect could be seen as the one with THE chance to get back Assyria. That was the game..the prize was getting those goddamnded Christians who won`t leave Iraq either killed or finally forced to Diaspora out of the boys can say.." we told you".

And now...they`re going to feel "betrayed"...tell us how they were "almost there" it was "up to us" but we FAILED to TITTY!!!...when they knew all along it would never happen...but hell they can`t just come out and say "Dear Uncle Sam..go kill out brothers and sisters, Muslims and Christians...for they betrayed our dreams and make liars out of us" they say the war was to "get back Assyria"..or to "bring democracy that will guarantee Christian rights" to Iraq..anything but the truth, which they never tell because it would be a "tactical mistake"..ask Peter Jassim who`s lying about his last name even.

They were betrayed by no one..the fix was in before this batch of boys was out of diapers...THEY betrayed..they betrayed the Christians back in Iraq, as they have always been the first to betray their own they betrayed their own god and culture by going Jew on us. halleluja!

come to think of it..the bible condemns the Jews for "turning their backs on Yahwe" is then that the "Assyrians" expect to be blessed among nations for turning their back on THEIR god? Seems Yahwe too knew what to do with traitors...look at them...cringing at his feet while they pay and pray to have BetNahrain destroyed if THEY don`t get their way. My Arse!


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