It`s Tuesday... |
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- Tuesday, June 22 2004, 13:51:27 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...where are the dead Christians...killed by Muslims??? Don`t you people realize we have a nation to build? Where are the corpses that will fill it??? Do you realize "National Work" has meant complaing? Do you realize that it has also meant calling anyone who objects to anything an enemy and traitor and sell-out? Do you realize that no one remembers one harebrained diclaration from another? Do you realize that all the boys have done is demand this and remind everyone of that? Do you realize that this is what they call "work"? Complaining, whining, pissing and moaning. Do they think there has been no injustice in ther world except what happened to them? They have built nothing...written nothing, produced nothing. All they`ve managed to do is scare away throughtful, calm, educated realists in favor of the greatest batch of illiterates to represent anybody. Do you realize that if the world finally said, instead of just implied," SHUT UP...We do NOT want to hear about what the Kurds have done to you ANY LONGER"...that they would have nothing "national" to do any longer? If they ever got it through their triangular heads that nobody gives a good goddamn, in a world reeling from violence and injuctice TODAY, what happened to them 1000 years ago..or even ten...what "work" would they do? They aren`t the kind of people to do ANYTHING...BUT whine and demand the lands and homes and jobs of other people. All of them...every heroic mother`s son feels entitled to compensation..feels he is owed something by somebody somewhere...and so you have the National Complaints Departments where people return their shallow lives in favor of what MIGHT have been..had Islam stayed in Arabia. And these people...these lunkheads and louts have increasingly placed a stranglehold on Assyria till no one wants to play any longer. All these nationalists will have achieved in the end is turning away those who could have helped the Heritage POSITIVELY. Watch them at the upcoming convention in San Jose..they`ll be the ones walking around like they are on the brink of something new..they`ll have political rallies day and night in which they`ll make their DEMANDSES to each other and anyone suggesting that this will get them more nothing will be turned upon as a traitor...a traitor to their wild assed dreams and HOPE and FAITH...which they far far prefer to making anything actually happen...for anything positive in Assyria might get people focused on what can be achieved here and now...TODAY...but the boys live backwards, they long for a yesterday that will never return...and for that reason they will undermine and seek to kill anything that give our children hope....forcing them to re-live old horrors and passing on their own shallow prejudices..and call that "nayshun-buildingĻ. Pity the people led by taxi drivers. Ah well. --------------------- |
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