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=> Jassim Crashes Into A Wall On The Highway

Jassim Crashes Into A Wall On The Highway
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 3:56:28 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: was one thing for Peter and the boys to wax poetic about the marvels of precision murder...American military kindness...American ideals as visited on Darkies..and all those assurances he thought to fool his fools with.

But for the idiot to be still touting America as the friend of Darkies everywhere...still spreading the manure about prisons and American dicks being kinder gentler dicks..while the people in Iraq...ALL of them, are hurting and still going without the basics they had when that "monster" who`s been killing Peter personally for 1000 years was in power...and after a year that the American darling liberators have had and failed to bring aspirin for the chldren they made ill and left filthy when they bombed the water treatmant plants..for him to still be singing the praises of Christians and their god of love and their altruistic motives...well, that`s them boys all over.

And just where is declaring war on children a part of the Geneva Conventions? If "terrorists" are beyond the pale...what the fuck do you call Sanctions that did nothing but murder innocent children...we`re not even talking about them working and being a legitimate, Geneva approved tactic.

Where does the United States come off criticising anyone in the Mideast? When`s the last time they starved to death American, or Christian or ANY children? Besides Peter?


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