Jassim Splits a Hair And Get`s His Head Instead |
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- Saturday, June 26 2004, 1:12:10 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...in which Peter brushes up on smarm He should be so picky when it comes to the rest of the incomprehensible garbage that passes for prooooves! Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <keepa@ninevehsoft.com> (nat-204-65.arlut.utexas.edu) Date: Friday, 25 June 2004, at 4:57 p.m. In Response To: Re: [DELETED] "Let us not corrupt our national name" (A T U R) I don't have a problem with the text, it just did not show properly. You can't cut and paste foreign language text, it will not show properly in the forum. It needs to be part of an html file (a web page) for it to show properly, that's why the link is okay. ...you could have clarified that point without hitting your deklete button immediately...there was no emergency that you had to delete something that "did not show properly" in the first place. Your beady eyes and pointy head saw something you couldn`t understand...when has that happened before?...coupled with a title in a language you sort of understand and you saw that the title appeared to present a challenge to these name games you all play..and so just to be on the "safe" and tyrannical side...you deleted what you weren`t even capable of understanding...but take heart..at least you`re consistent. --------------------- |
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