Jassim`s Sister |
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- Sunday, June 13 2004, 18:16:14 (CEST) from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I know a man, a family friend, who refused to attend his near relative`s wedding nine years ago because she was marrying an "outsider"...the guy was Christian Armenian..but that was too much for the patriot to bear. There are others of these Troglodytes who yearn for Racial Purity when all it is is religious bigotry, precursor and first cousin to Fascism. I`ll bet the rest of you know of similar examples. I said a while back that I`d lay off of Peter Jassim for changing his name to BetBassooo, because it sounded "less Muslim" and because his sister married one. Close friends who lived in Chicago at the time and knew the family said she`d been made to suffer enough for her "mistake"...sort of like Racist Whites always said intermarriage was a mistake because the "poor children" would suffer...when THEY were the ones to be sure to make them suffer. But that was before. Jassim`s sister counts no more than my mother in this battle to see who can get more Christians killed in Iraq..so someone will feel sorry for the Little Ally. The boys are spreading just enough nonsense to alarm the same sort of narrow minded assholes who exist on the other side...ones who need very little excuse as it is to seek revenge against ANY Christian..the same way Americans were thrilled to kill ANY Muslim anywhere..because they were made to hate the RELIGION...just like our own assholes who will deny a family memeber for marrying someone of a different religion OR ethnic background. These are dangerous, unstable people who think nothing of consigning their own children, let alone the children of strangers, to hell and worse over such assinine things as which god you pray to...who preys on the rest of us. Did you think Robert de Kelaita, another hero disposed of with a rolling pin, cares a damn about the injured or murdered Iraqi Christians he was advertising for a few weeks ago? Bullshit! He needs them and the more the merrier, for their "strategy"..the flip side of the one Hannabana articulated in which their "power" lies ultimately in ruining Iraq and any chance for peace for the rest of the people there, if they can`t get their way. Under these circumstances all bets are off. Those of us interested in real people and real countries and not phantoms and triangles can do our part to heal that blessed land by exposing these Muslim-baiting, Fascistic Christians who were so eager for this war and now pine for dead Christians so they can beg a corner in infamy. If our own Christians will banish their OWN children over Islam...then you know damn well what`s been going on in those Syriac manuscripts all this time...why and wherefrom all these tales of Kidnappings to cover over the fact that Assyrians of all religious beliefs married for love wherever they felt like it like we USED to do all the time...or the "massacres" only they recorded as a way to esplain where all the Christians went to...like they might as WELL be dead if they go to Islam. And now..as a last ditch effort, the boys are willing and eager to GET the Christians killed..by Muslims, so they can come back and plead for a safe haven in a triangle..none of which will happen but will supply them the ammunition to shoot EACH OTHER with...which is all the "enemy" they`ve ever needed... --------------------- |
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