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=> Jassim`s Sister said "No".

Jassim`s Sister said "No".
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 0:03:45 (CEST)
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Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> (
Date: Tuesday, 29 June 2004, at 3:14 p.m.

In Response To: Peshmarga arrests 9 Iraqi Policmen !!! (Firas Jatou)

The Curds have made a fatal miscalculation in pushing for Curdish autonomy or Curdistan, as they will feel the wrath of Turks, Arabs and Persians very soon.

It just goes to show, you can't be a Curd and have your way

...yeah, right, sure, whatever. And it was BRILLIANT of you to demand autonomy for Christians if not a country..just brilliant of you to set all those Christians up for one huge gang bang. There will be no "wrath" at all directed at the Christians in Iraq..none at all. It was no miscalculation on your parts to back America in its illegal war aginst our homelands..that was another BRILLIANT stroke....that`s why you don`t need your list of names...for who will have any reason to direct any wrath at Christians? How could Muslims find anything to resent in what you`ve been calling for?

...You have PLEADED...Hanna has tattooed his fingers to the bone trying to raise an "Assyrian Millitia"..there is nothing you wouldn`t like MORE than to have been able to do what the Peshmerga did...arrest MUSLIMS!!! Charging them with givng you bad skin and marrying your sister before you could.

You boys think this is a game? You think sitting in America and knocking people who do more than sit and wait and demand and whine, is cost-free? You think because you aren`t in a war zone, within reach of the very people you have wished and begged destruction and death to for 14 years and more you`re off free?

That`s BetNahrain that`s been trashed by your Masters..those are OUR people you hate because their religion gave you pimples. Those are OUR treasures being stolen so you can see them in Chicago. They can`t get at you and have better things to do..but I can..and I have nothing but time on my hands.

I`ll tell you what...I`m going to extract a tax from your hide for every post of yours from now on. I only hope you piss me off enough to get my juices going good and hot.

I`m going to start with your got that right. I figure she`s worth 500,000 Iraqi children..she must be at LEAST as innocent as they were..and you cared not a fact you called for more. So I`m gonna GIVE you more..and when you post I`ll take it to mean you want MORE. Gee...I`m only doing it because of you..if you would just stop being you...I`d stop....let`s see, that means that Saddam AND you brought this on hands are clean...right? didn`t bang your own mother too...did you?


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