The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Jew/Muslim

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 2 2004, 14:16:13 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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all you have to do to get an idea of what is being brought to a theatre near you soon is replace the word "Muslim" or "Islam" with Jew....

They had the same "journalists" and "authors", many of them devout Christians as well, who wrote at length on what it was that made Jews, "just that way". They had stories of poisoned wells..of kidnapped children of bloody rituals of detestable genetic characteristics..they warned of the basic unsuitablity of Jews as neighbors and co-workers and in-laws, as members of the Country Club..they trashed the Torah..they claimed it would be a kindness to spare Jewish children from the religion of their parents..although even an eighth of Jew blood could damn a person anyway.

If we go back and read that stuff now it seems crude and harebrained..but read advertisements in Christian newspapers from the same era and you`ll get the same impression. We`re a lot more sophisticated these days...these days we contrive a situation so we can blame Iraqis for starving their own children...and we`re much better at lying and tilting and slanting and half-telling..and to our ears it sounds so much more resonable and true, free from that cheesy hate-mongering of 1920. It`s just more refined that`s all..the basic premise is the same..."hate these people because they deserve it"

We are painting the entire people of a Faith by the worst example we can find..the only difference, now that it`s Muslims instead of Jews, is how well and cleverly we do it. When the Catholic Nazis shot their infamous "documentaries" showing sleazy Jews right out of central Christian casting, the media was in its infancy...not like today when it`s one of the most refined methods for delivering product to your brain in ways that seem so "natural" you`ll think it was your idea that Saddam is a monster..or that this toothpaste is whiter than you.

But it`s the same effort of Industrial strength Christianity to wipe out the competition..especially as Islam, the religion, is the fastest growing one in America...and as always the State goes along and makes its murder machines available because the Muslims, as the Jews before them, have a lot of treasure they don`t need.

It`s no different. Every time you read some polished pieces of writing that "wrings your head" over why Islam is so wrong, brutal, filled with absurdities, makes its followers Evil or loose etc...just remember that you`re being subjected to an even better dose of the same shop-worn anti-Semitism the goofy press of yesteryear used to get us to kill Jew children. It`s just done better these days...when Muslim children are the target.


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