Langley Gets Cute... |
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- Thursday, June 24 2004, 2:21:46 (CEST) from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
a few things about this anonymous isn`t anonymous at`s the CIA STUPID...are fishy...but let`s read....breathlessly... Book by CIA official slams US war on terrorism, Iraq Wed Jun 23, 9:11 AM ET Add U.S. National - AFP to My Yahoo! WASHINGTON (AFP) - A book by an anonymous CIA (news - web sites) official titled "Imperial Hubris," describes Iraq (news - web sites) and Afghanistan (news - web sites) as two "failed half-wars" that have played into the enemy's hands and complicated the war on terrorism, reports said. The 309-page book was written by a still serving Central Intelligence Agency (news - web sites) officer who from 1996 to 1999 headed a special office to track Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) and who, in the book, is identified only as Anonymous, said the New York Times which obtained a copy of the book. In a highly unusual move allowing the publication of a book on a politically explosive topic, the CIA vetted the book to ensure it included no classified information, and a CIA official asked the daily not to reveal the identity of its author -- a former CIA official identified him -- because he could become a target of bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, the daily said. ...why? Why would they "target" the guy? In criticism directed both at US President George W. Bush (news - web sites) and his predecessor Bill Clinton (news - web sites), the author of the book says US leaders "refuse to accept the obvious". ..that`s code for the next escalation..this time to "get it right". It`s presented asa biting isn`t...or it merely discusses what`s over and done with and who in his right mind would continue calling Iraq and Afghanistan "successes"? So, indeed, OBVIOUSLY they will the new "right plan" this cute fellow has in mind. "We are fighting a worldwide Islamic insurgency -- not criminality or terrorism -- and our policy and procedures have failed to make more than a modest dent in enemy forces," he said. ...ahhh, there it is. There is an Islamic Insurgency..they all woke up one morning and out of the clear blue decided to insurgate...took America completely by surprise because it`s had no interest and nothing to do with the MidEast for 1000 years. He said the threat from radical Islam is rooted in opposition not to American values, but to policies and actions, particularly in the Islamic world. ...that`s stating the obvious where he goes to from here...a point at which your head is lulled into thinking.."This boy is BRIGHT..and RIGHT ON and also HONEST..." The book denounces the US occupation of Iraq as "an avaricious, premeditated unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat," and said it would fuel the anti-American sentiments on which bin Laden and his followers draw. ...of course..that was the whole point... "There is nothing that bin Laden could have hoped for more than the American invasion and occupation of Iraq," the author writes. ..that`s right..and it`s been a raging success so far..I mean in terms of achieving the real goal...which will make this fellows bosses secure for a long time... In warning that the United States is losing the war on terrorism, Anonymous writes: "In the period since 11 September, the United States has dealt lethal blows to Al Qaeda's leadership and -- if official claims are true -- have captured 3,000 Al Qaeda foot soldiers. ...America is WINNING that war..the war consists of manufacturing excuses to piss off Muslims ebnough they`ll getdesperate enough to fall for the same religious crap our own boys are shovelling down their throats as fast as they can...the war can`t be fought at all if there are no Terrorists..the money couldn`t be gotten out of our Treasry if there were no boys wouldn`t have it so good had we not played this out in the 50s and 60s where you made sure to piss off rice farmers enough..and when that didn`t work, lied then too about an "attcack" of world wide rice farmers coming to get us NMEEDED them too...that was was a succcess as well..made the fortunes you boys need to build up some more this time around..remember the Peace Scare after Russia "collapsed"...much to your surprise? Well, fortunately for you boys, that peace sacre is over and we have a Terrorism scare...a lot more money don`t you know. "At the same time, we have waged two failed half-wars and, in doing so, left Afghanistan and Iraq seething with anti-U.S. sentiment, fertile grounds for the expansion of Al Qaeda and kindred groups." ...and however it happened..whether we did it directly or has sent Israel or Ireland in there to "half-fai"`d STILL bebstanding to profit`d STILL need our money to go get it "right"..after having robbed us to half fuck up. Anonymous said he has "a pressing certainty that Al Qaeda will attack the continental United States again, that its next strike will be more damaging than that of 11 September 2001, and could include use of weapons of mass destruction." ...sure he does the deos Bush..and ain`t that handy? Where would you boys be without your half-fucked selves..and how would we and our Constitution gotten totally fucked...if not for your half-fucks. --------------------- |
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